Naomi Wolf & Melanie Phillips – the furies shriek

Naomi Wolf is in a full-on anti-vaxxer rant round the US at the moment. Although she garnered a respectable reputation initially as leader of the third wave of feminism, her scaremongering in recent years about government-led plots to establish a dictatorship and other conspiracy theories, has been described as “unhinged, damaging, and dangerous.”   Born … Read more

UK v EU – will Biden bury the hatchet? ++ 1999 Eclipse

Faint hopes exist that Joe Biden may manage to exert enough pressure on Boris Johnson at the G7 summit to move the intractable Northern Ireland Protocol dispute towards a compromise. Biden has an Irish background and is alarmed at anything that would upset the Good Friday Agreement. Northern Irish businesses have called on UK and … Read more

Lilibet – a name to conjure with ++

Lilibet Diana Mountbatten-Windsor arrived on Friday at 11.40 am in Santa Barbara, California. She has a public-career oriented and communicative 10th house Gemini Sun in a sensible, hard-working trine to Saturn in her 6th house, sextile a secretive, intense 8th house Moon in Aries. Her Saturn is in an erratic, can-be-dictatorial square to Uranus in … Read more

Prince Edward & Sophie – a moment to savour

The shifting sands of Royal favour have thrust Sophie Wessex and Prince Edward into the foreground after the death of Prince Philip and Megxit. But the reasons behind their elevation may tell against them when the Queen hands over. Sophie has become the Queen’s trusted support and Edward was evidently (oddly) Philip’s favourite. Whether they … Read more

Hungary & Poland v EU – rebellious late entrants

Hungary has lost its attempt in the European Court of Justice to reverse the outcome of a vote by MEPs that could lead to a country being stripped of voting rights in Brussels. Red flags have been raised over recent anti-democratic reforms curbing the independence of Hungary’s judiciary, central bank and media. In reality, the … Read more

Israel – on the brink of the unknown

An improbable coalition of far-right, secular centre and Arab-Israeli have formed with the intention of outing Benjamin Netanyahu, the Israel’s longest serving prime minister, after four elections in two years failed to form a government. It will need parliamentary backing to take office and Netanyahu is throwing his considerable political skills and weight into blocking … Read more

Canada’s First Nation – mourning their loss ++ Canada

A mass grave containing the remains of 215 children found at a former residential school set up to forcibly assimilate indigenous people in Canada has shone a spotlight on the ‘cultural genocide’ policies of the early government.   The Indian Act of 12 April 1876 aimed amongst other things to eliminate First Nations culture in … Read more