Your Starsign


October 23 - November 22

Today's Horoscope for Friday March 28th

You may have to push yourself to resolve certain practical problems at home or with the family as you face up to certain realities in your emotional life. You will want to protect loved ones but try not to smother them, because they may not take it kindly. Be entertaining. Keep singing, dancing and laughing and you will everyone's morale. Later you won't conceal your affectionate feelings from others. There'll be a boisterous mood in the air.

The Weekly Outlook from 24th March

Your naturally sunny temperament will be making you popular and helping you to avoid boring chores. You will be putting on a great performance, entertaining everyone in sight and glowing when you have an appreciative audience. Though keep in mind that staying fit will also be a priority. Focus on finding a diet or exercise regime that will suit who you want to be. You will muster up the will power. Stick your colours to the mast and get going.

Your Monthly Horoscope for March

A fun-loving Pisces Sun until the 20th will put you in good spirits with social invitations, compliments and appreciative glances coming your way. You may not be in a mood for work or being helpful but in your own way you'll be entertaining, amusing and boosting the morale of loved ones and friends. You'll also be pushing your pet causes and expressing your enthusiastic views with vigour. There will be moments where those close may land heavy responsibilities on you which will damp your mood briefly and other times when confusion reigns so you'll need to be clear about what is really going on. Into the final ten days hard work will be back on the agenda but you will have friendly support from those around so tackling chores won't be as tedious. Turning your attention to staying fit and improving your stamina will be wise.

and Next Month's Horoscope for April

Hard work for three weeks will require you stay at peak fitness. Energy going out needs to be replenished and not being overly perfectionist about chores will help, as will eating sensibly and resting when you can. The affectionate support of a loved one and attention out at parties will keep you glowing even if it takes an effort to turn on the charm. After midmonth you'll roar into a higher gear, push obstacles and difficulties to one side and be decisive. Loved ones and friends may complain you are being bossy but you know taking the lead and cutting through confusion is the right way to go. There will be tensions at home and in the family in the final days which you will handle better by staying calm and saying less.

Year Ahead 2025

Always an emotionally intense sign, you will be keen to negotiate changes in the family with as little drama as possible. You will have firm ideas about the changes you envisage bringing good results but not all of those close will agree. So you will have to soft pedal on demands and be patient as well as persistent. Regard this as a marathon task, more steady walking than sprinting. You?ll get there eventually with better relationships and more mature connections. Recent events have not all been easy but they have deepened your understanding of the meaning of your life and brought you closer to the right people. The slow transformation behind the scenes will continue for another few months, bringing with it coincidentally more money to keep you secure. Looking after fitness and efficiency will become a priority as Saturn and Neptune together move into Aries mid-year. Additional chores will require you stay on good form so altering your lifestyle to suit the demands on your energy will be wise. Across the middle months of the year more planetary shifts will bring on the one hand high enthusiasm, a wish to spread your lively opinions in all directions, a yearning to travel extensively ? and an equal and opposite drive to explore the mysteries of life in private. Psychic experiences are possible if you are open to the realms beyond the rational. Not that you can always believe your hunches but it will be a learning opportunity. In the final months you?ll be putting your concentration behind sorting out a longer term strategy and finding that feedback from your friendship circle will be invaluable.