Your Starsign


October 23 - November 22

Today's Horoscope for Saturday July 27th

Get your original ideas out and express them freely. You can make a difference by what you say and encourage companions out of their ruts. At home, you will keep trying to clear out whatever you feel is blocking or frustrating you. You may not understand what is tying you down or standing in your way. But you need to keep asking the questions otherwise the answers won't come. If there is a minor domestic crisis you will be resourceful - a rock on whom other family members lean.

The Weekly Outlook from 22nd July

Mars, your co-ruler, moving through your chart area of joint finances and major changes, will make you ultra-determined to get your own way. Though you will be secretive and not keen to share how you intend to get what you want. There will be intense encounters up to midweek. They won't be confrontations in the sense of a flare-up but no one, yourself included, will be willing to give way. Achievements may be slow in coming, but persistence will pay off.

Your Monthly Horoscope for July

With the Sun moving through your chart area of travel, broadening horizons, enthusiastic ideas and adventurous schemes you'll be keen to move upwards and onwards in whatever you do for three weeks. You won't always be practical but your optimism will be infectious so those close will be keen to join in. One close partner will be revved up and raring to so so you may need to keep the peace at times. Fitting in with their wishes and cooperating will save arguments and mean you make faster progress. On top form socially after the 11th you'll be sprucing up your appearance, putting on a sparkling performance and attracting compliments galore. After an unsettled few days midmonth where you will need to tread carefully and not rock the boat with certain companions, you will be moving towards your high profile few weeks from the 22nd onwards. You'll be working hard, taking the lead and attracting praise for your achievements. Behind the scenes there will be a few financial or emotional tangles to unpick which will take determination and flexibility to resolve.

and Next Month's Horoscope for August

This is your moment to shine with the Sun moving across your midheaven for three weeks. You will be working hard and taking the lead, expecting others to follow behind. But your efforts should bear fruit and you will attract the respect and recognition of the right people. This is no time to be hiding away your talents and being too shy. There are powerful forces working behind the scenes to bring luck your way, financial and otherwise. You may complain when progress is slower than you might wish in certain negotiations and discussions. But if you keep pushing you will reach compromise agreements on all your key areas of interest, financial and emotional. Though around midmonth be wary of pitching your hopes too high since there will be setbacks as well as triumphs. A close partner may be acting erratically towards the 19th but if you refuse to rise to provocation the tensions will recede. Into the final days you'll be surrounded by friends and looking ahead optimistically.

Year Ahead 2024

The support on one close partner will continue on into 2024 giving you a warm glow of optimism as you view the road ahead. Socially you will be in demand for your knack of making everyone you encounter feel special and encouraged. Your talent as a morale booster won't go unnoticed. Keen to resolve family differences and make changes to your domestic set up, you will be setting out a long term plan to ensure you are building solid emotional foundations for the future. Certain relationships within your close circle will be tricky so it will require a revised approach over time. There will be no instant solutions but leaving old assumptions behind and coming to terms with a new reality will help to smooth out a few wrinkles. You may also be involved in practical domestic reorganisation or improvement schemes. From April it will be important not to over commit yourself with projects since you need a chance to recharge your batteries and have time for a sensible get-fit regime as well as work. After June you will notice a stream of generosity coming your way either in money or in support or both. Making the transition into the future and leaving the past behind will be easier than you expect. You will also be dropping your emotional defences and drawing closer to the right people. Throughout the year you may find as last year that your social life is hard work and requires effort. So by October take the hint and give yourself quiet time to rest, relax and recharge your batteries.