Heavenly Headlines

July 2024

A creative, ambitious, home-loving Cancer Sun until the 22nd gives plenty of scope for a wide variety of fun and reassuring activities. The mood will be sensitive, sentimental, emotional and self-protective so they may be the odd sulky moment if a clumsy comment hits a sore spot. Mars in Taurus for three weeks is steady, slow to anger but extraordinarily stubborn when it comes to negotiations. Venus will spread around exuberant charm in Leo from the 11th. But be watchful for firework midmonth as Mars meets Uranus meets the Fixed star Algol.

 From the 20th Mars moving into Gemini will lighten the mood though there will be lively at times heated discussions in the weeks after. A sociable, fun-loving Leo Sun after the 22nd for four weeks will put enjoyment, entertainment and romance at the top of the wish list.


2: Neptune retrograde in Pisces until early December – subtle shift, looking inwards to resolve confusion.

Mercury in Cancer trine Neptune – kind, evasive, creative.

Mercury into Leo until 25th – entertaining, lively conversations, attention-demanding.

3: Venus in Cancer trine Saturn in Pisces – cool, sophisticated, romantically downbeat.

Mercury opposition Pluto in Aquarius – dogmatic in discussions, stubborn, determined.

5: Mars in Taurus trine Saturn – hard work overcomes obstacles, disciplined.

New Moon in Cancer – new beginnings.

8: Venus sextile Uranus – flirtatious, fun-loving, dislike being tied down emotionally.

Mercury sextile Jupiter in Gemini – upbeat, positive thinking, confident chats.

11: Sun in Cancer trine Saturn – sensible, practical, good for planning.

Venus trine Neptune – dreamy, romantic

Venus into Leo until August 5 – exuberant, charming, sociable.

12: Venus opposition Pluto – seductive, persuasive, jealous, possessive.

15: Mars conjunct Uranus in Taurus – turbulent, explosive, uncompromising, sudden surprises.

18: Sun sextile Uranus – inspiration, small changes that bring relief of tension.

20: Mars sextile Neptune – creative, glamorous, publicity-attracting.

Mars into Gemini until September 4th -throwing energy into discussions, can get heated.

21: Full Moon in Capricorn – pulled in two directions.

Venus sextile Jupiter – frivolous, sociable, indulgent.

Mercury square Uranus – outspoken, inspired, restless.

22: Sun trine Neptune -kind, dreamy, evasive, drifting.

Mars trine Pluto – needs determined effort to make progress.

Sun into Leo for four weeks – sociable, fun-loving, attention seeking.

23: Sun opposition Pluto – stuck, controlling, possessive, needs perseverance.

25: Mercury into Virgo until mid August – good with detail, practical chats, sensible though fidgety.

26: Sun sextile Mars – go-ahead, energetic, forceful in a subdued way.


Jupiter in Gemini from May 25 2024 until June 2025 – good for conversations, curious, knowledgeable, thinks and talks easily, multi-tasking, tendency to go for breadth of understanding not dept, superficial.

Saturn: In Pisces from March 8 2023 till September 2025 – a time to let the past go, push old regrets aside and be supportive to those in need.

Uranus: From March 2019 for seven years in Taurus – changing attitudes to handling of money, possessions and resources especially in agriculture and our attitude to nature.

Neptune: In Pisces from February 2012 for thirteen years – religious, spiritual, has resonances with Muslim history.

Pluto: In Capricorn for sixteen years from Nov 2008 till 2024 = complete deconstruction and reconstruction of global economic and commercial structures and systems, as well as major changes in way in which governments work.

  From late March 2023 till mid June 2023 Pluto goes into  Aquarius, then reverses back out into Capricorn and hovers on the cusp on and off till late November 2024. Thereafter in Aquarius until 2044 – in Aquarius changing outlooks and attitudes, intense discussions.