Your Starsign


June 22 - July 23

Today's Horoscope for Wednesday February 12th

You will have to push extra hard behind the scenes to get close partners to shift ground. You know you cannot have it all your own way but you will need to feel that you have an area marked off which is yours, especially with regards to money. If you are feeling intense stay with it. Most of the time the pressure of life pushes you into taking avoiding action. Too tricky? Shrug. And off you go. Remember that getting cash arrangements sorted out is vital if you are feeling short changed or not valued properly.

The Weekly Outlook from 10th February

Try to let an upsurge in energy out into the open in a positive and controlled way. Don't rock the boat too much or make hasty decision. You know you can't afford to bury your head in the sand and look backwards but you need to proceed cautiously and steadily. After midweek money will be the focus of your attention. You know you are not going to be happy or secure, until you get your finances in order. Yet you also are aware that close partners have a different agenda to you.

Your Monthly Horoscope for February

Slow, steady, secretive and determined, you won't expect fast progress on plans for three weeks. It'll be a good time to tackle financial matters which have been pushed onto the back burner. You know you will have to reach better agreements with those you share joint responsibility with. Compromise will be essential since you won't get it all your own way but all the same you will need to defend your rights and be firm as well as flexible. Building up your long term security will be a process over time so don't expect immediate results. Your social status will rise as invitations roll in for special events where you will put on a sparkling performance. The right people will be impressed by your charm and compliments will roll in. In week two a serious approach will be needed and there may be delays to plans as well as travel. Be persevering and you will win through though the unpredictable actions of a friend may prove a distraction and interfere with your plans. After midmonth you'll be upwards and onwards, keen to spread your wings and broaden your horizons. Travel would suit you best but you can always read mind-expanding books and take up new hobbies if you are stuck in one place.

and Next Month's Horoscope for March

With a head filled with enthusiastic, adventurous and not always practical plans you will be bouncing along in good spirits. Travel will be on the agenda and if you are stuck you will be exploring new interests and hobbies to ensure you don't get bored. Sinking back into familiar ruts and routines will not be appealing. Mars in your own sign will keep you moving in a forward direction and impatient with delays or anyone interfering with your hopes and visions for the future. Being serious and realistic about your outlook around the 12th will help since otherwise you'll end up disappointed as your optimism will not produce the results you want a few days later. Into the final ten days you'll be aiming high, working hard and gaining the respect of those whose judgement you trust if you stay disciplined and reliable. Turning on the charm will also get you invited to special occasions where you will put on a sparkling performance and attract compliments.

Year Ahead 2025

Keen to make your mark at work or out in the community, you will redouble your efforts and insist you get the recognition which your achievements and talents deserve. This is no time to be a shrinking violet. You will be faced with a few obstacles and difficulties, financial and otherwise, but you are a sign blessed with initiative and get-up-and-go so you will work out constructive strategies for circumventing whatever stands in your way. You know that certain obligations will have to be fulfilled which will feel restrictive or as if you don?t have total independent control of decisions. But making a resolution to be realistic and accepting what you can?t change will help. An exceptionally busy everyday schedule will keep you on your toes and boredom at bay all year so one priority will be to manage your time well and streamline your organisation and efficiency. There will be a gear shift around the middle of the year which will require adjusting your plans and expectations. Demands will be made on your time and services so you?ll need to be self-disciplined as well as helpful. Luckily Jupiter moving into your own sign after June for a year ahead will bring good luck, confidence and enthusiasm your way. Nothing will seem to be as much bother as a result.