Your Starsign


June 22 - July 23

Today's Horoscope for Saturday July 27th

You may be sharp in your comments if you speak before you think. But if you give yourself time to consider you will be tolerant and flexible in your views. Pluto moving through the deepest area of your chart makes you fascinated by what runs below the surface in highly charged situations involving money and love. You will have to tread a fine line between being too controlling or too submissive in differences. Aim for a genuine compromise and what will be for the greater good.

The Weekly Outlook from 22nd July

You may not be able to stamp your foot and issue ultimatums in coming weeks but you can work well behind the scenes and pull strings effectively. The roundabout route may well be the best one so do not think of yourself as timid, just sensible. For a few days you will be You examining one situation in great depth. As long as you do not get discouraged or gloomy because a solution is taking so long to appear you will discover that you are gaining in wisdom.

Your Monthly Horoscope for July

Your birthday Sun is always a time for celebration. For three weeks your confidence, morale and energy will soar and you'll meet positive responses wherever you go. This is your chance to make good resolutions for the year ahead and set goals which inspire your enthusiasm. Dynamic friends will be around urging you to sort out long term plans as well. They may be irritating at times and overly forceful but they will mean well. Indulging and pampering yourself will be a priority after the 11th even if it means you over spend. You'll want to give yourself treats and extravagances but remember that you have other obligations that will tug at your attention if you go overboard. Into the final ten days you will be slowed down or hemmed in by circumstances that won't allow you to be as pro-active as you might wish temporarily. Be patient and see if subtle persuasion won't manoeuvre others into doing what you can't for the time being.

and Next Month's Horoscope for August

Money will be on your mind, both how to organise or acquire more as well as spending. This is your month to focus on your security and make sure you get the incomings and outgoings in balance. Pulling strings behind the scenes will be your best bet. Be discreet and get others to act on your behalf if circumstances prevent you from being as pro-active as you might wish. You have a great deal of drive, determination and confidence but all in a hidden area of your chart, so being subtle, patient and trusting your own judgement will be necessary. Thoughtful gestures from everyday mates out in the neighbourhood or at work will make you aware how appreciated you are and you will respond with positive responses of your own. At times you will act as a peacemaker, smoothing out any wrinkles. After midmonth a friend will set your thinking on a new track. Since you know this is a time to open your mind to new adventures and possibilities you will be keen to explore their suggestions. Into the final few days you will be racing along a busy, varied, everyday schedule.

Year Ahead 2024

A self-protective sign, you often hide your vulnerabilities and mood swings away from general view. But you are moving into a phase in 2024 where detaching from your feelings to stand back and take a considered view will be easier than in the past. Pluto the planet of transformation moving into the deepest, most confidential area of your chart will guide you through changing times where your old values, financial and emotional are being swept away and replaced with better. You will need to compromise since you won't get it all your own way which does not mean you have to give in completely. You will be negotiating for agreements which are fair to all. This won't happen overnight but will require perseverance, tact and strategy. Fun and enthusiastic friends will be around as a supportive distraction until May. After that you will find you cherish more time in your own company to reflect, put the past into perspective and be at peace. You will find an inner strength you never knew you possessed with sudden insights and inspiration bringing you confidence.