Your Starsign


April 21 - May 20

Today's Horoscope for Saturday July 27th

Coming across as strong minded, forceful and entertaining in your way of expressing yourself, you will have a positive approach to tackling problems and will sweep companions up in your enthusiasm. Though anyone who makes you feel controlled or trapped won't be popular. If anyone does seem to be trying to pull your strings you will make a determined effort to you free yourself up to act as you please. It will probably be worth it, as long as you do nothing too hasty. Do not be too open about what you want.

The Weekly Outlook from 22nd July

In coming weeks one priority will be improving your financial situation since you will want cash for security and surplus to give you spending power. Cut your losses, clear out what needs to be got rid of, but do understand that your life is moving in a healthy and positive direction. Out of your experiences at the moment which may be challenging, you will emerge as a stronger personality, with better relationships. Try to resolve any resentments you have with loved ones or friends.

Your Monthly Horoscope for July

Skipping merrily along through a varied everyday schedule you'll be chatting constantly and scattering your energy and attention in all directions. Boredom will be banished as you cut corners and keep on the move. You'll have bright ideas and enough common sense to keep your pet projects running smoothly, until mid month, when an unexpected turn of events will throw your calculations out. You may respond by digging in your heels or being uncooperative and saying too much in the heat of the moment. You will certainly make your position abundantly clear. Luckily you will have a chance to relax and indulge at home in between times. Loved ones will enjoy snuggling up close and you'll be using spare moments to consider ways of sprucing up the decoration to bring an atmosphere of comfort and style. Into the final ten days you'll ramp up your efforts to improve your finances. You'll be tempted to over spend but you know the time has come to make a concerted effort to raise your security. You'll also take a chance to relax at home with loved ones and do less for a few weeks.

and Next Month's Horoscope for August

Home will be where you are happiest or at least familiar surroundings as you relish being able to relax with loved ones and family and do less for three weeks. This is your chance to get recent events in perspective and to have heart-to-heart chats with loved ones. Being helpful and putting their needs first at times will pay dividends and you won't feel resentful at having to push personal indulgences to one side to make them a priority. Money should roll in faster due to your robust and enthusiastic efforts. It will also disappear just as fast as your spending ramps up. But you will need to hold hard around midmonth since over-confidence could create problems. Not that you will be keen to listen to advice or cooperate since you'll be in full rebellion mode towards the 19th. Into the final week your eyes will sparkle and there will be a lilt in your step as you hop, skip, jump and dance into a fun-filled few weeks.

Year Ahead 2024

2024 will be your year for getting a grip and ensuring you can steer your own ship through whichever canal you choose to travel. Admittedly you may have to confront some resistance from companions who are not on your wavelength but being an enduring and, dare I say it, stubborn sign you are unlikely to be distracted. You may not instantly fall on the best solution to your demand for a meaningful way of life in terms of work and direction, so you will need to persevere. Try, try, try again and if one option does not produce results, cut your losses and try an alternative. There may be the odd standoff about who has the upper hand and the last word, so you will be better to adopt a new approach, more persuasive than forceful. Whatever else happens your optimism and enthusiasm will stay intact since you know luck is behind you. From June onwards more money will come your way to allow for treats in the months ahead. Though if you go wild spending you may not save much of your good fortune. The Eclipses will focus your attention on finding a balance between hard work and relaxation. All duty and not enough quality time for yourself to wind down and reflect won't produce optimum results. Continuing on from last year, you will be hanging on to old, tried and trusted friends and finding your circle smaller than before. As the year closes you will be aware that you have settled into a better gear, with fewer questions and more answers firmly in place.