Today's Horoscope for Thursday January 23rd
You will not compromise or put up with restrictions well. Anyone who is trying to push you around, give you orders or make you feel a put down, is going to be told exactly what you think of them. But do remember if we all said what we thought all of the time, life would be impossible. A little glossing over of criticism usually oils the wheels of friendships and close relationships. Try to acknowledge what is bothering you and what you think, but do it gently.
The Weekly Outlook from 20th January
You'll have to tackle problem situations with thoroughness, leaving no stone unturned. Though don't go too far and get obsessive. If you focus so narrowly on trivial difficulties that you can't see the broad picture you won't get very far. Luckily after midweek Uranus will bring insight and courage. You will pick yourself out of a rut and aim for excitement and freedom. There is a slight risk you will burn your bridges behind you so don't go too far.
Your Monthly Horoscope for January
This is always a dutiful, hard-working time of year for you when putting your own needs second and being supportive and helpful is a necessity. Looking after health and energy will be important if you are racing around being practical and organising for others. A blocked first few days will be irksome with challenges in a close relationship. Staying calm and not over reacting to difficulties or differences will be sensible. Thereafter you will need to pace yourself with certain projects or plans on a go-slow. You will be able to pull strings behind the scenes and keep yourself busy in less obvious ways. Try not to get impatient or try to push the river. Be accepting of what you cannot change for the time being. There will be compensations in the quiet moments with generous presents coming your way unexpectedly. From the 19th you will be concentrating on your closest relationship with the Sun, Pluto and Mercury all moving through your opposite sign. Be flexible and understanding rather than getting into no-win discussions. The month will end on a high note.
and Next Month's Horoscope for February
Togetherness and cooperation will be your priorities with the Sun in your opposite sign until the 18th. You may be feeling marginally more vulnerable or dependent than usual, but there will be support if you ask for it. Luckily your social life will be enlivening, adventurous and entertaining as you mix with a fun crowd and try out new venues and leisure activities. In the background you may be feeling frustrated since certain pet projects are on a go slow and nothing you can do will make them progress at the speed you would like. Being patient won't come easy but if you regard hold ups as useful opportunities to revisit plans and unpick mistakes, it means when the time is right you will forge ahead. A sudden surprise around the 11th may tempt you to a hasty decision. You will be wise to let the dust settle before taking action. After midmonth you'll be secretive, intense and determined as you tackle confidential agreements with a view to resolving recent tensions. You won't get it all your own way and will have to compromise whether over emotional or financial differences. Be patient, flexible and take the long view.
Year Ahead 2025
With a head filled with adventurous plans you?ll be keen to broaden your horizons and stretch your wings. But needs must that you find a balance between excitement and everyday necessities. You will be working extra hard at points and need to ensure you boost your stamina and keep up your fitness regimes to cope. Financial pressures should ease across the middle of the year so you won?t feel you are being thrown back onto your own resources as much as before. There will be moments where you feel stuck or indecisive where a partner is concerned. Relationships will become intense so try not to end up in a tug of war. Compromise where you can or agree to differ. From June onwards you?ll find yourself involved in discussions which will cause you to alter your opinions and outlook. You may have to draw back from ambitious travel plans to find other ways of fulfilling your longings to rise about everyday trivia. Gradually in the second half of the way you will find it easier to settle contentedly at times in your own company, getting the past into perspective and finding time for reflection. New zany friends will sweep into your life after July, getting you on the edge of your seat and prompting you to make new plans for the time ahead. In the final months you?ll be sorting out your finances, keen to give yourself security.