Your Starsign


February 20 - March 20

Today's Horoscope for Saturday September 07th

You will be in overdrive with your mind zipping along as fast as your feet. It will be a lively day but patience will not be your long suit, so pause before you speak. There will be new people, lots of excitement and interest around with your curiosity sending you in search of challenging activities and conversations. Along the way you'll be informing yourself about fitness matters. If you want to put your mind at rest about certain questions you have, go ask a trusted adviser.

The Weekly Outlook from 02nd September

There is no doubt that you will need another half before you feel secure in whatever you are doing at play or at work. You may have to be less self-sufficient and more adaptable to ensure that close partners are on your wavelength. If you may have to give before you get, it will be worth it. From midweek onwards you will be throwing yourself into entertainment and enjoyment. You will be coming across as dramatic in action, prone to theatrical gestures, not given to subtle hints or understatements.

Your Monthly Horoscope for September

Togetherness will be the way to go in a month where cooperation will bring support which you need. You may feel vulnerable or dependent but that will prompt you to be flexible. You will also be in demand socially and popular because of your knack of making everyone you meet feel special. Your passionate enthusiasm will return after the 4th along with an energy boost so you won't be a shrinking violet but will throw yourself with gusto into enjoying yourself. You may have uncertain moments and others where you feel marginally discouraged but these will be fleeting. The easier mood at home and with close family will be doing wonders for your general morale. An important Eclipsed Full Moon on the 18th will find you pondering about a close relationships in the months ahead. Do you want to be independent or to share your activities with another half? An instant answer may not be forthcoming and in any case might be wrong. Be prepared to stay uncertain and weigh all the options carefully before deciding. Into the final week you'll be secretive about intensely personal matters, financial and other, while at the same time aiming to be with the fun crowd and partying with vigour.

and Next Month's Horoscope for October

A Libra Solar Eclipse falling in the deepest, most confidential area of your chart on the 2nd hints that in coming months getting a grip of joint finances and other cooperative activities will require an effort. Leaving old behaviour patterns behind and learning to share, care and relate in a new way will be a challenge but the end result will be satisfying and fulfilling. That apart you won't be short of passionate enthusiasm when it comes to enjoying yourself with loved ones and out on the party scene. You'll throw yourself with exuberance into any entertainment opportunities and be mixing with a fun crowd, exploring new leisure venues. You'll also relax contentedly at home when the chance arises with recent family tensions receding. You won't be as secretive or intense about private personal concerns into the final week as restrictive circumstances ease. You'll be flying high and broadening your horizons however you can.

Year Ahead 2024

2024 will find you in a go-ahead mood in the early months, keen to blow cobwebs away, stay in touch with a wide circle of friends and make for plans for the longer term. You will also be aware of an equal and opposite urge to find quality time for reflection in a protected corner. Pluto moving into the sign before yours hints that getting a better perspective on the past and plumbing your inner depths will bring fulfilment and clarity over time. There will be times when you are serious, realistic and clear that letting go what belongs to the past is crucial; and other times where you drift along ducking decisions. What will be important is taking direct action where your personal finances are concerned. That will be an imperative from April onwards for a few months. Perseverance will pay off. Your negotiating skills will bring results and in general your persuasive powers and easy way with words mean the early months will glide by without too many wrinkles. From the middle of the year you will move into a contented phase at home, within yourself and mellower relationships within the family extending into 2025. The October eclipse hints that altering the way you share, care, and relate over money or in your closest relationships will bring increased security and emotional satisfaction.