Your Starsign


August 24 - September 23

Today's Horoscope for Friday July 26th

You will sweep aside obstacles and slow coaches to one side and ruffle a few feathers if necessary to get everyone and everything moving faster. Try to add enough enthusiasm or jokes to ensure that no one gets resentful, digs in their heels in and refuses to budge. With Mars, planet of dynamic energy, at your midheaven which rules career and reputation, you will be ambitious and determined, working hard to gain your ends.

The Weekly Outlook from 22nd July

Friends, Loved ones and team mates will be respecting your courage though they may be put off by your competitive approach. You want to be in the leadership role and could come across as bossy in approach. It may not be obvious instantly but soon you will become aware that you have more progress than you imagine. There will be positive changes in your immediate environment which will deserve a pat on the back because it will be largely due to your efforts.

Your Monthly Horoscope for July

Looking ahead, you'll have a clear idea of where you want to go and what you want to achieve over the coming year. And if not, you have a fair amount of catching up to do. This is when you lay down a gameplan and get cracking putting it into action. You will have firm opinions and won't be backwards about coming forwards to state your beliefs. Remember that gentle persuasion can work better than slapping your comments down forcefully. There could be a backlash as you may find mid month when there is a risk you could go a step too far. Try to keep a lid on your self-righteous and impulsive tendencies. Luckily nothing too dramatic should derail your confidence or your success in producing results from whatever task or project you tackle. You won't be overly sociable until early August but won't be bored with so much going on. Into the final days you'll be working extra hard, keen to take the lead and have others follow behind. But you will also need to remember not to over stretch yourself since your stamina will not be limitless. Find a balance between outer activities and relaxing time at home.

and Next Month's Horoscope for August

Taking it slow and steady for three weeks will be wise and give you a chance to relax, recharge your batteries and reflect on recent events. You will have a chance to prepare your plans for the year starting with your birthday Sun. Not that you will be hiding away in a corner since Venus in your own sign will attract admirers and compliments as you step out to spread harmony around. And you will be keen to make your presence felt in your community activities or at work. Your lucky touch will bring results and whatever you tackle should bring you respect and recognition from the right people. But you will need to find a balance between doing which is your super-power and being, which means slowing down to stay in the moment. Midmonth will bring good news plus a setback so pace yourself. From the 22nd the Virgo Sun will turn red lights to green and you'll be forging ahead in style.

Year Ahead 2024

Your head will be bubbling with grand plans and adventurous schemes as you step boldly into 2024. Your dreams and visions may have to stay that way for a few months but after midyear favourable circumstances will open new doors and provide opportunities to test several of them out. Let your enthusiasm carry you along and you've no idea where you might land. The only proviso is not to over-push yourself by taking on too many commitments. Review your lifestyle and work out physically what will keep your stamina at optimum levels and your vitality in good shape. Then you will be in a position to tackle any area of your life that feels stuck or broken down and fix it. Close relationships will continue to be confusing and a touch cool at times. Part of the problem being that you really don't know what you want to commit yourself to in the time ahead. But tried and trusted partners will remain loyal. Taking the initiative with money from April onwards will bring results where ambling along hoping for the best won't. Be pro-active and aim to improve your security. After late May you'll be delighted by the admiration and appreciation coming your way. Almost anything you tackle will work out better than you expect and that will continue to be the case well into 2025 as well. By the time the October Eclipse comes round you'll know the time to alter the way you share, care and cooperate whether over money or with emotional partners has come. It won't happen overnight but taking small steps in that direction will pay off.