Today's Horoscope for Friday March 28th
You will be talking nineteen to the doze, round and round in circles, chopping and changing your mind endlessly. Aim for togetherness with a loved one, for keeping things quiet, calm, harmonious and pleasant, and you'll find by the end of the day that you're glad you did, because your relationship will have improved. Just ignore any niggling worries you have since it will likely be all in your imagination. If there is a difference of opinion you will give in for the sake of support.
The Weekly Outlook from 24th March
Socially you will be on form, charming the birds off the trees and feeling popular. You will say what you think will please, not necessarily what you think or feel, which could make you seem a touch insincere though you will be well intentioned. New financial ventures could begin now which may not seem spectacular but they will pay off in future if you give them the right kind of push. If all the details are tied down, you will be pleased at the result in the days to come.
Your Monthly Horoscope for March
Usually a self sufficient sign you'll be grateful for support and cooperation through the next three weeks. A close partner will be on hand with much needed feedback if you play your cards right and don't expect perfection at every step of the way. There will be a few ups and downs, hitches and glitches but nothing you cannot handle if you stay tolerant and flexible. Energetic friends will also be on hand to ensure you don't let the grass grow under your feet or looking backwards over your shoulder, getting stuck in the past. Moving ahead with determination will be your motto. Loyalty will mean more than declarations of affection since you know that reliability is important. After midmonth you may haver a moments indecision or confusion over a commitment but it will be crucial that you uphold your part of an agreed bargain and stand rock steady. Into the final ten days you'll be secretive, intense and not letting on what you think or feel. Sorting out confidential agreements will be a priority which will take patience and firmness.
and Next Month's Horoscope for April
Playing your cards close to your chest and keeping your own counsel, you will proceed slowly and steadily. Sorting out confidential matters, financial and other, will take time and perseverance. You may not get it all your own way but will have to compromise. Staying firm but flexible will help. Relationships with a friend or close partner may be edgy early on and the less said the better. The moment will pass. There will be challenges and some delays after midmonth since the time will not be right for actioning certain pet projects. There is no sense in wasting energy trying to push the river or turn the tide. Take a deep breath and be prepared to grit your teeth until the red lights turn green. Looking after fitness will be important which means not getting overly stressed. Change what you can, accept what you can't change in the meantime.
Year Ahead 2025
A mixter maxter year will find you on a high where work and community activities are concerned with Jupiter sailing across your midheaven for six months which will bring praise and recognition your way. You will be putting in extra effort so need to look after your energy and fitness by adjusting your lifestyle to accommodate changing circumstances and challenges. Your views won?t always meet with universal agreement so you?ll need to soften your approach and be persuasive rather than too forceful. Keeping a watchful eye on your finances will be wise with the early Solar Eclipse and then Saturn and Neptune moving into Aries. If you are thrown back on your own resources, accept the advantage of this will be that you grow in resilience and resourcefulness. What you learn through this phase will help you cope ahead. Not all the information and advice coming your way will be reliable so do your own double checking In the second half of the year you will be changing direction, keen to follow through on your own original ideas and not be forced to compromise by fitting in with everyone else?s expectations. Independence will be your watchword as you realise you are at a crossroads and need to make significant decisions for your path ahead. It is your life and needs to be your choices. Enthusiastic, supportive friends will be on hand to cheer you along.