Today's Horoscope for Saturday September 07th
Inspirations will be flying through your head at speed. Try to write the answers and solutions down that you find, because otherwise you'll forget. You can be sharp witted and absent minded at the same time. Chatty Mercury across from outspoken, freedom-loving Uranus may tempt you to be over honest about certain topics. But on matters of personal importance you will stay silent. Your secrecy has a good reason, and you want time to consider before disclosing what you know or feel.
The Weekly Outlook from 02nd September
You will be coming across as secretive and strong minded. No one will know what makes you tick but don't make close companions feel excluded or shut out. They need to know how insecure you feel behind your defensive front. This is the time of year you review your beliefs, whether it be to do with politics, religion, education or your philosophy of living. Abandon what no longer fits and adapt with changing circumstances.
Your Monthly Horoscope for September
All work makes for a dull life but then life can't be all picnic and sunshine either. That will be your dilemma as the month opens, trying to give equal attention to fun as well as responsibilities. Luckily a close partner will step in with support. Though they will be revved up and argumentative so it will be sensible to throw your energy behind their plans and cooperate. Joint ventures should move ahead with speed as long as you are pulling together with your other half. Communication muddles could get in the way since you may feel misunderstood or unheard at times. Put in effort to ensure both sides understand clearly what is meant and expected. This will be an issue for the next few months so staying on top of organisation and the way you present your views will be important. Into the final week you'll be working hard, flying high and on the receiving end of praise and recognition. Warm-hearted friends will shower you with appreciation.
and Next Month's Horoscope for October
With a Solar Eclipse at your midheaven casting its influence over coming months, you will be prompted to get a grip of your direction in life and ensure you are getting your talents out on display. With a determined effort you will find recognition comes your way for your achievements. This won't be a time to drift and daydream and hope for the best. Warm-hearted friends will be with you all the way offering affectionate support so you won't be short of good company. At times you may be confrontational or will tend to attract to pro-active partners so conversations could get heated. If you can throw your energy into cooperative ventures it will save getting tangled up in differences. You'll be cracking on through chores and finding your stamina levels rising. Less socialising but more friendship activities will be the theme of the final days as you look ahead and sort out longer term plans.
Year Ahead 2024
Capricorn is known as the two-faced sign, not because you are duplicitous but because your birthday comes at the year end, a time of nostalgia looking backwards over what has been and forward to what is to come. Even more so than usual in 2024 you will be aware of making a significant step into a different future. Pluto is tidying up the final loose ends from its 25 years in your own sign and about to move into Aquarius full time. Your focus will shift towards new interests and a revisioning of your lifestyle. Getting your finances knocked into better shape will be one priority since your values are changing and security will be high on your wish-list. Just try not to be too controlling where financial matters and negotiations are concerned. Your everyday schedule will continue to be varied, with a few communication glitches emerging and a need to be clear in getting your message across. But your confidence will be high as you attract compliments at work and in your social life. Your positive approach will bring you luck and opportunities as new doors open. From midyear you will find chores and practical matters easier to handle with enthusiastic support on hand. Your fitness regimes will be producing results though you may be tempted to over indulge. By October you will be aiming high and keen to demand the recognition your talents deserve. This won't be a time to be a shrinking violet or hide in a corner. Be bold and make your mark.