Your Starsign


December 23 - January 20

Today's Horoscope for Saturday July 27th

Keen to be truthful about a certain matter it will help if you avoid sounding overly dramatic If you are too direct you will ruffle feathers, upset those close or arouse resentment. Turn your attention away from differences and focus instead on managing your finances with care and resourcefulness. Once you have learnt the secret of handling money skilfully you will do well. Though you may need to ease back and not always fight for control.

The Weekly Outlook from 22nd July

There will be moments when you feel you are not getting the ego boosts or recognition you deserve for your labours, but crack on anyway. Your moment will come. If life feels a minor struggle remember that your perseverance will pay off. You will be looking for deeper answers than usual, maybe more passionate connections. If flaws show up in a close partnership it will not make you feel comfortable, but at least what you know cannot cause so many problems. Also do recognise that you may be taking too bleak a view.

Your Monthly Horoscope for July

Togetherness will be what makes your world go round for three weeks with the Sun moving through Cancer in your opposite sign. You will blossom with the attention of a close partner and be in demand socially for your knack of making everyone you encounter feel special. Your passionate enthusiasm will be infectious so you'll persuade those close to join in with your fun-filled leisure activities. At times you may come across as bossy since you'll want loved ones to toe your line but remember that cooperation will bring rewards, not being overly forceful. After the 11th you'll want passion, drama and challenges in your emotional relationships. Try not to get overly excitable or read too much into trivial incidents or comments. Around mid month you're likely to jump to conclusions or feel you have to defend yourself by making a dramatic statement. If you can go calmly and not be too disruptive it will help. After the 20th you'll settle into a hard-working, determined few weeks. Sorting out a few confidential tangles, financial and emotional, will be a priority as well as cracking on through chores.

and Next Month's Horoscope for August

A deeply buried Sun moving through the confidential, secretive area of your chart for three weeks will find you digging for answers and pushing to reach agreements with those close over financial or emotional matters. You won't get it all your own way but will need to compromise along the way. Try not to get discouraged if you don't find instant solutions to problems. Perseverance will pay off. You will be working hard, tackling practical tasks with gusto and taking pride in what you do without expecting too many rewards. Since you will be putting energy out you will also be paying attention to staying fit and boost your stamina however you can. Out on the social scene you'll be keen to mix with the fun crowd and seek out new venues and activities. Midmonth try to rein in your impulsive streak since if you go a step too far too fast you will only have to backtrack. Into the final ten days you will be released from restrictions and able to forge ahead, speaking your mind freely and thinking big.

Year Ahead 2024

Capricorn is known as the two-faced sign, not because you are duplicitous but because your birthday comes at the year end, a time of nostalgia looking backwards over what has been and forward to what is to come. Even more so than usual in 2024 you will be aware of making a significant step into a different future. Pluto is tidying up the final loose ends from its 25 years in your own sign and about to move into Aquarius full time. Your focus will shift towards new interests and a revisioning of your lifestyle. Getting your finances knocked into better shape will be one priority since your values are changing and security will be high on your wish-list. Just try not to be too controlling where financial matters and negotiations are concerned. Your everyday schedule will continue to be varied, with a few communication glitches emerging and a need to be clear in getting your message across. But your confidence will be high as you attract compliments at work and in your social life. Your positive approach will bring you luck and opportunities as new doors open. From midyear you will find chores and practical matters easier to handle with enthusiastic support on hand. Your fitness regimes will be producing results though you may be tempted to over indulge. By October you will be aiming high and keen to demand the recognition your talents deserve. This won't be a time to be a shrinking violet or hide in a corner. Be bold and make your mark.