Your Starsign


November 23 - December 22

Today's Horoscope for Friday July 26th

You will need to try to face up to a challenge without throwing a tantrum or getting too hot under the collar. Sometimes Mars can get everyone edgy and aggravated, inclined to fly off the handle. If that happens you or companions will end up saying things you later come to regret. Be prepared to compromise about differences and not get rattled about trivia. Don't project your anger onto others and make yourself feel badly done by. Stand up for yourself, and take control.

The Weekly Outlook from 22nd July

In coming weeks you will have a strong instinct for fairness and justice and be keen to fight to protect those who are weaker or disadvantaged. Because you come across as honest, outgoing, confident, and good with words you will be a popular companion at work and in your leisure activities. That won't stop you this week tackling every chore and problem with thoroughness, leave no stone unturned. Try not to focus in too narrowly and miss seeing the broad picture.

Your Monthly Horoscope for July

Always a restless, chatty, adventurous sign you never appreciate the first three weeks of July with its secretive, slow-moving Cancer Sun in place. You will be pushing hard behind the scenes to reach fair agreements with loved ones or those you share joint responsibility with over finances. Answers will be slow to come and you won't get it all your own way so you'll need to be flexible as well as determined. One close partner will be supportive and will keep your enthusiasm high.Socially you'll be on good form. After the 11th you'll be less emotionally intense and aiming for fun in your leisure activities, by exploring new venues and mixing with a wider circle of lively companions. In between times you'll be working hard and needing to put as much attention towards keeping fit as you do towards get practicalities attended do. You can't afford to drain your stamina by taking on too much. Being perfectionist and assuming only you can do tasks well won't be a good idea. Midmonth you may be inclined to over react or jump to conclusions. Try to stay calm in heated circumstances and the moment will pass. Into the final ten days restrictions will ease and you'll be free to broaden your horizons. You'll sense that your persistence has paid off in achieving secure understandings for the future.

and Next Month's Horoscope for August

Two inclinations are associated with Sagittarius. One is travel and the other is acquiring knowledge. Both will be highlighted for three weeks with the Leo Sun in place. You will be keen to broaden your horizons and reach out for adventurous activities and far away destinations. You'll also be keen especially if you are stuck in one place to read more, communicate more and soak in new information. You may not always be practical or realistic but your sense of vision will carry you along as well as your enthusiasm. Your social life will also rise up a notch as you are invited to special occasions. You'll be sprucing up your appearance and putting on a sparkling performance, impressing all the right people. Close relationships will also be going with a swing since partners will be filled with confidence and joie de vivre. Together you will go far. Midmonth there may be a family hiccup so tread cautiously and fix whatever goes wrong with least said. Into the final days with the Sun moving across your midheaven you'll be attracting praise and recognition, taking the lead and insisting those close follow behind.

Year Ahead 2024

Always an upbeat, ever-optimistic sign, you will notice a change in your approach and interests in 2024 as you dig deep for answers rather than relying on a wing and a prayer to get you to where you want to be. There will be intense encounters in your everyday life and discussions where you will not give way easily on what you believe. What you say will be important and the right people will respect your stand as long as you do not take it too far and become dogmatic or obsessed. There will be practical and emotional matters to resolve at home and within the family but if you tackle any reorganisation with determination and differences with tact you'll be pleased by the year end at the progress you've made. Jupiter, your ruler, will continue to boost your health and fitness for a few months before moving into your opposite sign. From June onwards you will find close relationships of all varieties flourishing as you share broader interests with close partners and see clearly how to develop your bond in years to come. Any connections which have passed their sell-by date you will let go with a minimum of regret and fuss. The year's eclipses will boost your social and romantic life from April onwards and then widen your friendship cycle in the final months of the year.