Your Starsign


September 24 - October 22

Today's Horoscope for Saturday July 27th

With Mercury moving through the sign before yours, which rules the imagination, you will be coming up with wonderful ideas, but you may find it difficult to put your them into words. Trust your intuitions which may be fragile, but they are likely to be accurate all the same. You will be a commanding figure at parties if you make an effort, attracting attention by your charismatic presence. Try not to let your ambitions push you into over stretching yourself financially or in other ways.

The Weekly Outlook from 22nd July

Into a chatty, opinionated and adventurous few weeks you'll want challenging, lively conversations. There will be safety and security in numbers. You won't want to fly solo or be part of a possessive twosome. The more the merrier as far as you are concerned. For a couple of days until after midweek you may complain that a great deal of perspiration seems only to be bringing minimal results. Don't lose heart. Soon you will see that your efforts have not been in vain.

Your Monthly Horoscope for July

The Sun crossing your midheaven for three weeks makes this your peak in the year for work or community activities, when you can expect attention and praise for your achievements and talents. You will be sensible, practical, planning effectively and putting a few inventive schemes into gear. Warm-hearted affectionate friends will rally round to make you feel appreciated and your knack of making everyone feel special will make group activities run smoothly. Behind the scenes you will be pushing hard to resolve confidential financial and emotional tangles. You won't get it all your own way or find instant answers. But if you stay persevering and be flexible at the same time, you will win through, having improved your security ahead through your stalwart efforts. Into the final ten days your mood will lighten with less struggle in coming weeks. Into a friendly, forward looking phase you'll be adventurous and keen to spread your enthusiastic views in all directions.

and Next Month's Horoscope for August

Surrounded by friends and team mates you will be looking ahead and laying down your gameplan for the next year. Any group or team activities will go with a swing and although at times you may feel you are giving more than you are getting in return, have faith that your moment will come. You may not be as sociable or romantic for a few weeks but you won't be bored. Adventurous plans and enthusiastic opinions will find you heading for lively conversations and discussions. Travel will be high on your wish list since you will want to be anywhere other than where you are. The thing to remember towards midmonth is not let your enthusiasm run away with you since taking a giant leap ahead may result in having to backtrack two days later. Go steadily and expect a few financial surprises around the 19th. Into the final days you will step back and let others do the running around while you recharge your batteries. You will prepare for what will start moving nearer your birthday.

Year Ahead 2024

Moving into 2024 you will sense a significant change coming with a revived social life and growing attention and admiration coming your way in general. Your wish to be seen as a person of substance, achievement and talent will be gratified and you will be a commanding presence out and about in your leisure hours. You will be tying up the final loose ends of domestic projects which have occupied you in recent times and be ready to step out boldly knowing your efforts have built solid foundations for you to use as a springboard. Your relationships with family members and those close have mellowed and although you may be a touch overly possessive of certain loved ones ahead, you will be handling your emotional life with skill and tact. More money should roll in for several months as the generosity of the universe will ensure you are given the opportunity to be more secure. You will be leaving the past behind and moving easily into a better future with your old defensive emotional attitudes softening. From June onwards you'll be upwards and onwards, broadening your horizons and pursuing adventurous plans. None of this will happen without hard work and effort so you will need to watch not to over commit yourself or over stretch your stamina. The October Solar Eclipse in Libra will be your cue to make a definite choice about your path in life ahead. You will be at a crossroads and able to choose which direction will suit you best.