Your Starsign


September 24 - October 22

Today's Horoscope for Friday March 28th

If you can channel your energy in constructive directions you could achieve a good deal. But try not to railroad loved ones into fitting in since they may respond better to gentle persuasion. Your emotional state may be affecting your energy levels. If you have concerns about a relationship you could end up with creaks and groans, sniffles and a general slump. Make sure you're turning your attention towards eating well, resting, relaxing and exercising.

The Weekly Outlook from 24th March

You will tend to throw your emotional needs into working hard and getting organised and could be stand-offish on social occasions. Friends will find you reserved but won't always realise quite how shy or even pre-occupied you are. As the Solar Eclipse in your opposite sign comes round you know you will need to rethink your approach to close relationships. This is the time to start afresh. Let bygones be bygones.

Your Monthly Horoscope for March

Since hard work will be unavoidable you will need to get yourself fit and build up your stamina by eating sensibly, exercising when you can and scheduling in rest periods. Then you will be on good form when chores pile up and you will be left carrying a heavier load than usual. Try to delegate where you can and not be perfectionist since that will drain energy. Luckily your dynamic drive will carry you ahead since you know you have ambitions to achieve and promises to fulfil. Luckily with Venus and Mercury in your own sign you'll be charming and persuasive, able to put others at ease and keep them amiable. After midmonth give yourself permission to do less for a few days since your motivation may slump. Then from the 20th more support will come your way from a close partner with fun moments and compliments coming your way. Ask for what you need and you will get.

and Next Month's Horoscope for April

Forging ahead at speed and not taking no for an answer, you may find loved ones and friends complain you are coming across as bossy. But you know that a direct approach will be needed to cut through confusion and make progress. Luckily the support of a close partner will be there for you and the more you can put their needs up as a priority, the more likely they are to stay on side. Try not to drain your energy by overdoing it in the first week. After midmonth there will be helpful advice coming in to ease the strain. High vitality friends will also rally round with promises to throw their energy behind your plans. You'll need to tread carefully and be discreet in the final days when tempers will be rising all round. If you stay calm and in the centre of the turmoil you'll be fine.

Year Ahead 2025

Finding balance is your ideal but the way to achieve your goal often means you swing from extreme to the opposite in an effort to get a foothold on that treasured middle ground. Continuing changes from last year mean you will be keen to make your mark socially and focusing attention on close relationships to ensure loved ones stay close at hand. Try not to come on too strong or be overly possessive. Certain relationships will move through a cool phase where loyalty will mean more than passionate affection. At times duty will interfere with pleasure as heavier responsibilities land on you. At other times you may find those close evasive or uncertain, not willing to commit to your plans and wishes. Be sympathetic since they may be in a different place in their lives with their own concerns. The good bonds will strengthen through challenging times. You?ll be opening your mind to alternative beliefs and opinions as you start a longish process of adjusting your outlook and attitudes to fit in with the new circumstances of your life. The adventurous ideas and hopes you have in the first half year can be put into practice after June and success should crown your efforts with almost everything you tackle bringing good results. Taking time out for private reflection will also be essential as part of your balancing act. The September Eclipse will prompt you to be inward looking and gain perspective on the past as a way of finding the best route forward.