Your Starsign


May 21 - June 21

Today's Horoscope for Saturday July 27th

With Mercury, your ruler, moving through an emotional area of your chart you will have an imaginative way of thinking and speaking. This can be useful, since you will be absorbing a good deal of information from your surroundings, almost without noticing. You know you need to re-think some of your personal beliefs and find a new perspective on your life. If you are involved in differences approach them as a challenge to see which of your views needs refined or in some cases abandoned.

The Weekly Outlook from 22nd July

If your tendency to speak your mind gets you into trouble you reckon that is a price worth paying for the thrill of saying or doing what you please. Restless and versatile, you may be you are scattering your attention in too many directions at once, or across too wide a field. Towards midweek try not to give in to broody silences. The silent treatment can be effective but only if you allow it to continue. Bring out grievances into the open as firmly and tactfully as you can manage.

Your Monthly Horoscope for July

Even if not all of your hopes and plans are working out instantly, you will need to be patient and not get discouraged. Later does not mean never. So use the time wisely to pull strings behind the scene, get prepared, rethink your future strategies and then when the time is right and the red lights turn to green you'll be in a better position to make constructive use of your energy. Money will be to the forefront of your mind and you'll be pushed and pulled between the temptation to spend and an equally strong pull to protect your security by saving. Finding the right balance won't be easy but will be helpful. Your impatience and restlessness at being held back may reach a peak midmonth and you'll feel like stamping your foot and throwing a tantrum but it won't pay dividends. After the 20th your way ahead will clear with restrictions lifting and you'll be putting your foot on the accelerator and forging ahead. No one will slow you down or distract you and though there may be differences of opinion along the way you will feel a surge of relief.

and Next Month's Horoscope for August

Always silver-tongued at the best of times, you will be surpassing yourself as you spread charming compliments in all directions and find everyday mates respond with thoughtful gestures. An upbeat combo of high-vitality Mars and enthusiastic Jupiter in your own sign will keep you zipping along in good form. You won't put up with distractions or obstacles but will manage not to offend anyone you sweep to one side by being entertaining. Despite being revved up and raring to go you will still find time to relax at home and have affectionate heart-to-heart chats with loved ones. Talking through recent events and differences will help you find peace of mind. Around midmonth try to take a measured approach to one complicated situation. If you push too hard to get your own way, you may find the push back is stronger than you expect. Restlessness may get the better of common sense so try to keep yourself under control. The final few days will be quiet, relaxing and self-protective.

Year Ahead 2024

Slowly but surely you will move into a brighter, less restricted phase ahead in 2024. Pluto moving away from the confidential, financial and intensely emotional area of your chart into communicative Aquarius will suit your quick-witted, chatty spirit. Recent years have given you depth of understanding but you reckon enough is enough and now you intend to fly higher, broaden your horizons, aim for adventure and campaign for your favourite causes. You will be keen to spice up your social life and attract more attention and appreciation as well as widen your circle of friends. What will make all the difference is Jupiter moving into your own sign in late May for twelve months to start a new cycle of growth, expansion and good luck. You'll attract positive responses and find your popularity soars. Hard work will still be needed since discipline and practicality will pay off in substantial achievements and in attracting the respect of those whose judgement you trust. There will be moments of indecision and dither along the way since these are uncertain times for everyone but you will be in better spirits than most and more fortunate.