Britney Spears – caged in a legal nightmare ++ mother ++ Sam Asghari

Britney Spears let fly with both barrels in an impassioned court testimony about the ‘abusive’ conservatorship that has governed her life for 13 years, giving her father control of her finances and her personal life. This is the first time she has been able to speak out publicly. She talked of wanting another child which … Read more

Neptune Pluto – weaving a spell for good or ill

Charismatic leaders, appalling and otherwise, often have strong Neptune Pluto and/or 8th house energies.  Both Hitler and Charles De Gaulle had Neptune Pluto in Gemini in the 8th. Churchill had Neptune and Pluto, not conjunct in the 8th. Mao Tse Tung was another Neptune Pluto in Gemini conjunction – in his 5th; Stalin had Neptune … Read more

Mitch McConnell – winning is the only thing

Mitch McConnell, the GOP Senate Minority Leader, has stirred up outrage with his comment that if there is a Republican-controlled senate after the 2022 midterms, he would refuse to consider a Biden nominee for the Supreme Court. Such behaviour is regarded as an anti-democratic power grab and “constitutional hardball” — behaviour that isn’t technically forbidden … Read more

Monica Lewinsky – creating a life out of the ruins

Monica Lewinsky of the Bill Clinton impeachment scandal has rebranded herself in recent years as an activist against cyber-bullying. She describes herself as “patient zero of losing a personal reputation on a global scale” has spoken out against the “public shaming epidemic”. Her 2015 Ted Talk, The Price of Shame, has been viewed 20 million … Read more

Jackie Collins – a surprising culture shifter

Jackie Collins created a new genre of wildly popular romantic (sexual) fiction which sent 500 million books flying off airport stands all over the world. She was ahead of her time in writing strong female characters who fought for what they wanted in the bedroom and in their careers. Her carefully crafted shoulder-padded, over-made-up public … Read more

Edward de Bono – dazzling or deluded?

Edward de Bono, a self-styled genius who invented the term lateral thinking, has died. His 60 plus books and relentless stream of out-of-the-box ideas brought riches and withering criticism. One reviewer said he had “the great salesman’s gift of being fluent in the international language of gibberish. If his life and career teach us anything, … Read more

Man Ray, Picasso, Dali & Hodel – an unholy collection

Lee Miller’s damaging childhood propelled her into adult life with an inclination towards risky, unstable though talented men. Man Ray, the photographer, 27 August 1890, who taught her and tried to control her, had a hair-raisingly difficult chart with Neptune Pluto in Gemini opposition Mars square Sun Saturn in Virgo – hard, angry, ruthless, unbalanced. … Read more