The Boris brigade lurch from one political sinkhole to the next. While Rishi Sunak, the Chancellor, may wail about No 10 leaks spreading entirely true but damaging tales of his wife’s non-dom tax status, it reflects just as badly on the PM since the information had always been to hand. ‘Don’t fire him, fire the man who hired him.’ Sunak’s golden- boy aura has now been irrevocably smashed, not just for his budget decisions and tone-deaf public relations stunts, but for his obvious lack of political nous in not seeing how it would go down with the over-taxed electorate.
Boris’s Term chart, 13 December 2019, is heading into danger territory despite him ducking Partygate and grandstanding in Kiev. The Solar Arc Saturn is now conjunct the Venus and will be exactly conjunct the Pluto in a few weeks – though both in effect now, which looks like a logjam. Plus tr Uranus will oppose the Mars in Scorpio from May 9th onwards for a shock and self-esteem dent as the results from the 5th May Local elections come in. Tr Uranus will also rattle his Jupiter and Neptune at the same time which will bring him down to earth with a bump.
Rishi Sunak’s chart, 12 May 1980, has never been too informative either about his prospects or relationship with Boris, apart from some droopy midpoint transits this year. He’s a steady Sun Mercury in Taurus trine Saturn in Virgo and opposition Uranus. But on looking more closely (my bad) his Progressed Mars is conjunct his Saturn in Virgo now which is a slow-moving car crash covering several months of this year.
His Taurus Sun is on the focal point of a Yod to Pluto sextile Neptune, making him super-ambitious and tending to swing between low self-esteem and too much ego – he will be stubborn and overly defensive. His Aries Moon also probably opposes Pluto so he’ll be more than usually tied into family/home/wife.
He looks disempowered from this mid May onwards with tr Neptune opposition his Jupiter/Pluto midpoint. 2023 was always going to be his year of significant disruption and upheaval with tr Uranus conjunct his Mercury Sun from June 2023 onwards – but he may well mooch off to the sidelines sooner than that.
His wife Akshata Murty, 25 April 1980, (Companies House), was born just two weeks before him and is also a Taurus with her Sun in a lucky trine to Jupiter in Virgo and Mars in flamboyant Leo. Her mega-rich father, N.R. Narayana Murty, co-founder of the information technology company Infosys, was born a day after Bill Clinton and has the same Leo Sun tied into a lucky Jupiter Uranus trine; with a determined Saturn, Mercury, Pluto in Leo sextile a glittery collection of Mars, Neptune, Venus in Libra.
Just an observation. With the news of Johnson’s and Fishy Sunak’s Partygate covid fines issued earlier 6this week, It’s well worth re-reading Marjorie’s posts on Johnson dated 13th January 2022 and 13th March 2022.
“Down to earth with a bump”
Thanks Marjorie. I read the Matthew Syed piece, and he’s spot on. Not sure what our government represents at the moment really. Both my left and right wing friends and family are confused. I tend towards the boring centre, with a hefty dose of cynicism.
I noticed that the Sunak’s Uranus and Neptune are aspected this weekend by the Jupiter Neptune conjunction, and the Moon’s Nodes in Taurus/Scorpio. One way of looking at that might be disruption caused by expanded confusion and delusions, affecting the life paths or choices of the couple. I think it’s curious he somehow “forgot” to cancel his US Green Card (with all its obligations to the USA), and that she has said she would like to return to live in India one day. Neither mentioned their daughters until very recently, but I’d imagine their future education might have some bearing on where their parents chose to live!
Boris does have his faults but what he doesn’t lack is courage. How many other leaders would take the train from Poland to Kyiv right now and then go walkabout? To me there are so many similarities to the start of WW2. Churchill was hated by all and sundry before he became PM but turned out to be the nation’s saviour – the right man for the moment. Boris has that same fearless quality and if Ukraine escalates into a wider war he could turn out to be the right man for this particular time as well.
The Russians wouldn’t kill one of their prime assets….
Russian forces have backed off from Kyiv a week ago. That’s why first the EU chiefs and then Johnson visited Kyiv.
Do not confuse the trait of a self promoting opportunism with courage. Johnson is the Cowardly Lion.
The prime ministers of Poland Czech Republic and Slovenia visited Zelenskiy in Kiev by train on 15th March while the city was under bombardement and before the Russians withdrew to offer moral support. That’s what I call courage. It was just another photo op/grandstanding op for Johnson
How soon before leaks emanate about Liz Truss I wonder?
Johnson likes his opponents to have a slow death downfall. The leak must be Boris’s command. After the Partygate fines, he needed a diversion. Then he slopes of to Ukraine to look as if he his a powerful man. Throwing money at Ukraine, by announcing several initiatives last week, as if this country doesn’t has economic problems. Each month we are only paying the interest on our debts. The U.K. economy is in a terrible state. His antics are becoming predictable. At least Javid has come out and declared his non Dom status, preempting Johnson. I am reading a book about King John and the Baron’s rising against him. Any chance Marjorie that you can see a new political format coming out of Johnson’s devious leadership. Even an article in The Times is attacking Boris Oxford elite club politics this morning, stating this is not a Conservative Government.
That piece in the Sunday Times by Matthew Syed was a scud missile and exactly on target.