Max Mosely – exerting control on his back story

Max Mosely has died, famous as a key figure spearheading Formula One racing for decades and infamous as the son of the prominent fascists ‘Blackshirt’ Oswald Mosley and the former Diana Mitford; and latterly a relentless campaigner for press regulation after he was outed by a Murdoch tabloid for a sado-masochistic orgy with prostitutes.  The … Read more

Belarus dictator – flagrant abuse of airspace ++ Roman Protasevich

  ‘An act of state terrorism’ is how the forced diversion of a Ryanair flight going from Greece to Lithuania with a fake bomb threat in order to seize a Belarusian opposition activist on board is being described. Alexander Lukashenko, Europe’s last dictator, president of Belarus since 1994, has been facing increasing opposition since ‘deeply’ … Read more

Kevin Spacey – trying to crawl out of his bunker

Kevin Spacey, still facing possible charges of sexual harassment and buried under the ignominy of multiple cases of the same which couldn’t be prosecuted because the statute of limitations had run out, has never owned up to guilt or contrition. Now he is to star in a sex abuse drama playing a detective investigating spurious … Read more

Princess Diana – still trapped in the spotlight ++ Spencer & Jackson ++ Tony Hall

Moments which changed history – a friend of Princess Diana claimed if she had not been conned into the Martin Bashir November 1995 Panorama interview which the BBC regarded as the coup of the century she would not have been divorced from Charles and arguably not been killed in Paris. The Dyson Inquiry heard evidence … Read more

David Frost – bullying the EU not working

David Frost, the UK Brexit negotiator, said the government underestimated the impact Brexit and the Northern Ireland Protocol would have on businesses and that the disruption to trade between the UK and Northern Ireland had been greater than expected. He said talks so far had not been “hugely productive” and the government would “have to … Read more

Israel – needing a judgement of Solomon

Savage ironies are writ large in the intractable, never-ending Dante’s Inferno of the Israel/Palestine saga. The Jewish people never forgot the homeland they had been ejected from two millenia ago and yet the Israelis set their faces obdurately against any suggestion that the 700,000 indigenous Palestinians who were forcibly severed from their homes after the … Read more