Israel – the same old, same old with no end in sight ++ USA

Israel is once again descending into violence after Palestinian anger mounted over restrictions on nightly gatherings during Ramadan and yet more settler encroachment which would evict dozens of Palestinian families from their homes. Palestinian militants fired a barrage of rockets towards the holy city, the first time it had targeted the city in more than … Read more

Joe Biden Admin – the calm before the storm ++ Kamala Harris

  An unusual silence hangs over the White House despite the monumentally ambitious stimulus plans. Compared to what went before, the hush is almost unnerving.   Joe Biden does have tr Pluto opposition his Jupiter on and off this year and tr Pluto trine his Sun/Jupiter midpoint extending through next year as well. So he … Read more

David Hockney – wedded to the beauty of nature

The painter David Hockney is enjoying his lockdown, painting the arrival of spring in Normandy, France. He said on The Andrew Marr Show he was surrounded by “hawthorn blossom … apple blossom, pear blossom, plum blossom, cherry blossom (and) apricot blossom.” And offered advice to those feeling trapped or bored in the lockdown. “If you … Read more

Oscars – firsts proliferate and Jupiter struts its stuff

The Oscars produced three awards for Nomadland with Chloe Zhao making history as the first woman of colour and second woman to win best director and Frances McDormand winning her third best actress for her starring role.  Sir Anthony Hopkins became the oldest winner of best actor for The Father and Daniel Kaluuya the first … Read more