Boris Johnson – sleaze, leaks, denials – plus ca change ++ Carrie

For a man who infamously uttered the scornful dismissal of business concerns about Brexit – ‘f*** business’ when Foreign Secretary – Boris Johnson has done a sharp U-turn since entering No 10 to cosy up to Tory donors and others in a government that is sinking in accusations about sleaze and favouritism. The latest kerfuffle … Read more

India – being tested to the limits and beyond

India is facing a catastrophic second wave of Covid infections and deaths, described as not a wave but a wall. Entire families are being wiped out, crematoriums are melting down from constant use, hospitals are full with oxygen, medicines and vaccines in short supply and the already creaky health system is near collapse.   Earlier … Read more

Afghanistan – a lurch into more of the same

Joe Biden has taken the damned-if-he-does and damned-if-he-doesn’t decision to pull US troops out of Afghanistan after two decades. Critics predict civil war may erupt, lead to the collapse of the Kabul government and the struggling army; and al-Qaeda and other terrorist groups could re-establish havens within two years, using them as launch pads to … Read more

Maria Callas – talent was no consolation for her misery

The torture, murder, suicide melodrama of Puccini’s Tosca, Maria Callas’ signature role, had nothing on the searing unhappiness and maltreatment of her own life. Regaled as the greatest operatic soprano of the 20th Century, she was pimped out by her mother who later blackmailed her into handing over money, was ripped off financially by her … Read more