The declaration to invade Ukraine was made at 9pm in Moscow by Putin last night.
That puts a less-than-practical Neptune in the 6th house which rules armed forces, though there’s also a lucky Sun Jupiter conjunction. Unpredictable Uranus is in the 8th house of finances and costs; the high-risk Mars Pluto Mercury conjunction is in the 4th which might suggests a less than thrilled Russian population.
Relocating the chart to Washington DC puts the indecisive Neptune in the 10th conjunct the Midheaven, though Jupiter is also conjunct the MC from the 9th but overall it doesn’t suggest an effective response. Plenty of aggravation from Pluto, Mars, Venus in the 7th; and financial implications from Saturn Mercury in the 8th.
The EU take has a slippery and uncommitted Neptune in the 7th with a grandstanding Mars Pluto Venus in the 5th.
[Relocating these declaration or start of war charts does work – the difference between the US and the UK take on the Iraq Attack in 2003 was strikingly close in descriptive terms to what transpired.]Volodymyr Zelensky, President of Ukraine, a former actor/comedian who played the role of president in a popular TV series before stepping into the political arena, was sworn in on 20 May 2019 at 10am. This puts the warlike Saturn Pluto conjunction in Capricorn in the 6th house trine a 10th house Mercury Sun Algol in Taurus – so it was never going to be an easy term. The Saturn has moved by Solar Arc to conjunct the Pluto almost exactly now as he declared martial law and exhorted his countrymen to stand firm.
His own chart, 25 January 1978 2pm Krivoj Rog, Ukraine, has the devastating tr Neptune opposition his Saturn/Pluto midpoint now and through March, on and off till after New Year 2023; with high-risk calamities mid April to mid May and repeating into early 2023. Through 2023 till 2026 tr Pluto first opposes his Mars (23/24) which is trapped, scary and infuriated; and then tr Pluto is conjunct his Sun Venus in Aquarius – so a long haul.
The countries, which along with Ukraine, border onto Russia are Belarus, Latvia (EU), Estonia (EU), Finland (EU) and nearby Lithuania (EU). On a quick sweep what stands out are several with Pluto at 17 degrees Scorpio which will catch the destabilizing tr Uranus opposition from mid this June, on and off into 2023 ; and Germany, of course which has a 17 degree Taurus Pluto in the 8th. which will get a severe shake up as well. Several of the East Europeaners also have other fixed signs being rattled from now onwards, through this year.
The Russia 1917 chart also has a 14 degree Scorpio Sun square Saturn in Leo which will be jolted, jarred and rocked on its axis after mid April this year with tr Uranus lightning strikes and thunderbolts and that returns early 2023.
The EU 2004 enlargement of 1 May 2004 took in three countries from the former Soviet Union – Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania – along with Cyprus, the Czech Republic, Hungary, Malta, Poland, Slovakia and Slovenia. That intake chart always did look to be having its roughest year, building up from 2021, with tr Neptune square the Pluto opposition Venus Mars, worsening from this late May onwards for a year; with tr Uranus conjunct the Sun North Node now and square the Neptune from May onwards. It looks in complete meltdown so the EU responses may prove to be a disappointment or won’t be sufficient.
Day 4 starting, Ukraine is holding, and the War seems extremely unpopular in Russia.
In addition, quite frankly, I did not expect to be this impressed by Zelensky. I suspected his communications game would be flawless – he is a pro. But what took me by surprise was the courage. I didn’t realize he has Leo Moon, and is a “Full Moon Baby” (a friend who used to be a midwife and assisted in over 800 deliveries told me their ward was always full during Full Moon, so not an old wives’ tale this one). This could go many ways, but Leo Moons are often among the most physically courageous people out there, not quite as reckless as Aries Moons, either.
He has become an inspiration not only to Ukrainians, but I’d say many others seeking new kind of leadership, I think especially us of Pluto in Libra Generation like him.
Yes, he is impressive and really shines as a new kind of leader from a fresher generation, a stark contrast to the elderly, Pluto in Leo boomer in the Kremlin. His speeches and natural gift for heartfelt rhetoric have been impressive— he has Mercury in Capricorn square Pluto in Libra with his Pluto in a widish conjunction to his North Node, a Leo Mars, Moon as you say and Saturn. Be very interesting to see Marjorie’s take on him.
Just wanted to add that Zelenskyy’s response to Biden’s offer to evacuate him from Kyiv with “I need ammunition, not a ride!” illustrates the courage of that Mars, Moon in Leo but also demonstrates an Aquarian leader who chooses to stand with and by his people.
Definitely, i couldn’t recall the exact words @Virgoflake so paraphrased but that impressed me greatly.
Yes @Solaia, completely agree from an Aries Moon, i loved his response to the US, offering to evacuate him that I read on BBC website reporting, to paraphrase, in essence, ‘thank you but I don’t need a ride i need assistance’. I smiled to myself. Love that 100 !!
There are many so called but so few who would call it so.. love his guts, honour, principle and determination. And love for his country ❤ that magic so hard to see anymore.
I completely misread the situation previously. Obviously wasn’t really paying careful enough attention.
Aleksandr Dugin (7/1/62) seems a dark character in the inner circle, some say Putin’s astrologer. Posted some thoughts about 2022 that looked ominously like what is unfolding now.
Nothing very encouraging from your analysis – even if it fails to bring Putin what he expected, another pointless war where innocents die, at an already critical time for our planet when we need to work together.
Didn’t know Zelensky is an Aquarius – makes sense now with Saturn there…
Am curious as to Poland’s chart, as large numbers of refugees have already arrived and continue to do so, and commentators note they will no longer have Ukraine as a buffer.
So terribly sad, breaks my heart – it doesn’t take much to break things up, much harder to put it back together, if ever for Ukraine
“The EU 2004 enlargement of 1 May 2004 took in three countries from the former Soviet Union – Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania – along with Cyprus, the Czech Republic, Hungary, Malta, Poland, Slovakia and Slovenia. That intake chart always did look to be having its roughest year, building up from 2021, with tr Neptune square the Pluto opposition Venus Mars, worsening from this late May onwards for a year; with tr Uranus conjunct the Sun North Node now and square the Neptune from May onwards. It looks in complete meltdown so the EU responses may prove to be a disappointment or won’t be sufficient.”
Please note that ALL the ex-Soviet or Warsaw Pack countries mentioned here are also NATO members, which I actually think is more telling in a military crisis. Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Slovakia and Slovenia joined March 29th 2004, so close to EU membership, but still with some different aspects. Romania also joined NATO back then, but EU only in 2007. Czechia, Hungary, and Poland already joined NATO in March 12th, 1999.
One of the clear consequences of Russia’s aggression seems to be that even the leaders who have been seen as “Russian minded”, as Czechia’s Zeman, have condemned the aggression clearly. Prague seems to have hold a massive pro-Ukraine rally last night – maybe not a surprise given 1968 Soviet crushing of the Prague Spring. I think one leader who has been awfully quiet about this is Hungary’s Orbàn, but then again, I feel Hungarian public opinion too is very strongly against Russian aggression, with one of the newspapers Orbàn has approved of outright likening Ukraine 2022 to Hungary 1956.
We aren’t going to do anything on the basis that Ukraine isn’t a member of NATO. And if it was suggested that NATO should fast track its membership, well let’s just say that is unlikely to happen. They should do something because it is in their interests to do so. Otherwise what is NATO for?
I agree with your comments to Lisa, Adele. Non astrological comments do tend to start off heated, boring, irrelevant discussion, though, so perhaps the relevance of Colin’s initial statement should also have been questioned?
Agreed. Although I did point out Lisa wasn’t the only one
Marjorie has said previously that as long as it is within context and relates to providing further clarity to the conversation within reason, she’s ok. Excessive tangents and slinging matches however not allowed.
A few years back I was reading some astrology about the start of the Iraq War, in which the astrologer wrote, “It’s a perfectly idiotic time” to start a war (when the Sun is in Pisces). I too think this may not work out for Putin as he expected. “The Hill” (they’re not gold-standard for credibility, necessarily, but they’re a known quantity) is reporting a Russian troop surrendered in Ukraine, saying they were told they would be doing reconnaissance, not fighting.
Putin has always claimed that the EU’s reliance on Russian gas is just a drop in the ocean to them and they wouldn’t notice the difference if the EU nations stopped using it. I dispute that, as it would have the same effect, if they were able to stop the Rus.sians using SWIFT for international banking transactions, a much harder thing for us to accomplish.
It would be much better for us to blow up that pipeline and for the Germans to take their state of the art nuclear power plants out of mothballs. And then put an embargo on goods and money flowing in and out of Russia as well. Russia isn’t the only country in the world with hackers and it is about time he got a taste of his own medicine!
It is a strange coincidence that the Russian annexation of Crimea began in February 2014. Troops went in on 27th February. Mercury was at 18 Aquarius, Mars 27 Libra, Saturn 23 Scorpio. Saturn will soon square that 2014 Saturn, and is conjunct 2014 Mercury today. Pluto and Mars square the 2014 Mars, while the Sun conjuncts 2014 Neptune at 5 Pisces – the dream began then perhaps?
Looking for a Saturn cycle, I notice that in 2007 Saturn transited 23 Leo that summer. Neptune was at 20 Aquarius, and Saturn 25 Leo when Russia planted a symbolic flag on the seabed at the North Pole. Putin won in the elections of December 2007, with Neptune at 19 Aquarius, but Saturn had moved on into Virgo by then.
It could also be a Venus cycle — the invasions closely track the 8-year Venus retrograde synodic cycle — Venus just coming out of the shadow around March 1.
From what I have seen reported of this ‘war’ so far is that it appears mostly to be a show of military might. In modern warfare one would expect the communications to be taken out first followed by infrastructure and power. No power and the country will quickly grind to a halt. Russia has hackers and cybercriminals enough to do it. But no, it’s all about rockets and making a lot of noise. Extremely unpleasant for the ordinary citizens, very frightening, but how effective? I also think financial sanctions will be ineffective for the same reasons: just hack some third world bank for all the funds you need. As N. Korea does. And if I was Biden I would be securing the US energy infrastructure. It has been attacked before but has anything been done to keep the back door closed? This would be a bad time for people in the US to be without the energy they need to heat their homes. We should all be ready to meet the unexpected.
@ Susan, this is a good observation. I think part of this is that tens of millions of people living in Russia also have Ukrainian heritage. They might calculate that it’s better to let people communicate with loved ones in Russia than enforce radio silence. But I think a lot of this has a lot to do with people some what overestimating Russian military force. Much of their military tech isn’t “all that”. Their ONE carrier vessel is falling to pieces. They also can’t blanket bomb like in Syria, because that would certainly bite back. In addition, I’ve heard they’ve had serious trouble recruiting “cyber talent”. Speaking of soldiers, they are also deploying conscription age boys on false pretence.
Obviously, their Special Forces still are formidable and well paid.
Russian vigilante hacker: ‘I want to help beat Ukraine from my computer’ https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/technology-60528594
And who next?
Thank you so much, Marjorie, for predicting in your previous post about Putin when his reign might end: “From early 2023 tr Pluto will square the Term Uranus which is the classic topple-off-perch moment for leaders. That influence runs on and off till late 2024.” That’s long after Putin has caused immense suffering, but it is comforting to be reassured that there WILL be an end to this evil man and that he’ll go the way of most dictators. You give readers HOPE, which is an immense gift to be able to give!
Tsar Vlad has enough billions to escape Russia intact but disgraced — the opposite of Catherine-the-Greatism. Yet given his delusions (ie., thinking that the fall of the Soviet Empire was the greatest tragedy of the 20th Century!), he’s more likely to be snuffed out during a palace coup. The world can hope that after such a tyrant, the Russian people will finally be able to raise up GOOD leaders in their country!
Looking at EU chart.
All these sanctions,will they really have the effect EU and US want?
Doubt it,perhaps shortly.
Boris do what he can…..Fair enough..
Putin will get help from China.He has already assured that….
Not 100% confirmed yet,but battles in Tjernobyl would be catastrophic.Near border of Belarus.
Take care all
Russia looked around and saw that it’s enemies were obsessed with things like trans rights, pronouns, and toppling statues of people who died centuries ago. They decided – probably accurately that this was their moment since the West had finally abandoned its grip on reality and priorities.
Interesting, alt-right line there Colin. Perhaps from GB News. You miht be interested to know that the Conservative Party gets much of its funding from Russian sources, and that the narrative you spout has been manufactured to unsettle and destablise the West, with Putin’s involvement in Brexit, Trump, and other abuses of our democracy. Wake up!
It’s illegal for political parties in the UK to accept donations from foreign nationals.
If you are referring to donations from Evgeny Lebedev, he arrived in Britain aged 8, (in 1988), and has lived here continuously ever since and is a naturalised British citizen.
If people like you regard him as “foreign”, prospects are really bleak for other migrants arriving aged eight or older, knowing they’ll always be held responsible for stuff happening in their birth countries even if they left as children and haven’t lived there for decades.
I am referring to the Russian oligarchs and multi-millionaires that have been awarded British citizenship and, in return, have been making significant donations to the Conservative Party over the last ten years. Here is some background information, I suggest you read it.
And a very left reply from you Lisa V. Several senior members on the left of the Labour Party have parroted Putin’s lies about the West causing him to take the actions that he has now taken to invade an independent sovereign state. What is you comment on that?
Two wrongs don’t make a right, but your attempt at deflection doesn’t wash. Let’s talk about scale of problem, shall we? I know a corrupt, bought Conservative government when I see one, and anyone who voted for it or voted for Brexit is complicit in that corruption. I repeat: wake up.
Interesting posts Lisa; But this is an astrology website, and so far your comments have not made reference to the astrology. If I wanted to read political opinion I’d log on to a news website. (Btw I know you’re not the only one guilty of this)
@Colin, or maybe it was certain “Leader of The Free World” going to a complete fanboy mode in front of Putin (not because of his views, but because of what Putin presents) and causing so much damage to US Governance that no President would have fixed it in a mere year, even without a pandemic?
Oh my. I always had a concern that Uranus in Taurus would lead us back to the dark days of WWII. Having watched The World at War TV series a few years back, I concluded conflict was the only way to reset the status quo that Taurus is desperate to hang on to.
With someone like Putin, there is no way out but confrontation. You can’t pacify, placate or appease as Chamberlain thought he’d done with Hitler; the other guy is always going to project his anger onto the world. You can’t give him opportunities to back down and save face because he’s too self-righteous to take them.
I hope other commentators are correct when they say this doesn’t work out for Putin how he expected.
Aspects never occur on their own. WW11 had the war-like Saturn Pluto square which magnified the Uranian factor greatly.
Going back to the Full Moon on the 16 February a couple of malefic fixed stars were triggered, Adhefra and Al Jabhah. Sadly the comments posted below on the atro.com site seem to have come to pass.
“Adhefra is of the nature Saturn/Mercury with strong associations to crime, lying and stealing. Deception seems to be highlighted in that Full Moon chart with Neptune in Pisces squaring the Mars in both the US Sibley and Russian Federation chart. The common people in the form of the Moon are the victims. “
“Venus is currently a “Morning Star”. In this form it was seen as a possible harbinger of conflict in ancient Mesopotamia as Inanna who was among other things was a Goddess of War. At the moment it is conjunction with Mars at 16 Capricorn in the Full Moon chart for 16 February 2022 which has more obvious military associations. Usually it is argued than when they meet in this form they are opposites where the aspect of one conquers the other. I suspect the interplay is a great deal more subtle than just Peace overcoming War or vice versa”
“The Mars Venus Conjunction happened in opposition to Putin’s Uranus in Cancer. The Mars aspect will be feeling provoked to anger and resentment which will make him want to lash out. The Venus aspect may prompt him to gamble. It would be advisable for him to resist both temptations.”
I think Putin has made a major strategic mistake by moving beyond the Donbas region. It is clearly a gamble which I suspect may well not come off. If Russian forces do get bogged down in fighting he will need to watch his back as there were apparently elements of the Russian military who were less than keen on getting involved in extended conflict. He will probably lose popular support as well if there are lots of casualties. Wars tend to run out of the control of the people who start them and in the end it will be the people around him in Russia who will remove Putin if he is not careful.
I read this somewhere. Don’t know how significant it is with regard to current situation.
“Mars and Venus will be locked within 1° of each other in a battle for a whole month from February 12th to March 12th in the signs of Sagittarius and Capricorn. This is only possible due to the slower motion of Venus due to its retrogration until the early hours of 29th January (BST).”
“The period from the 12th February to 26th February is significant as Mars in Sagittarius is most euphoric as it speeds up and crosses Venus on the February 16th in an extraordinary feat. Mars retains a higher longitude until March 6th
The taste of victory for Mars may be short lived as Venus joins Mars, Saturn and Mercury in Capricorn with Moon on the 27th & 28th February.”
March 3rd also looks like an interesting day. The Venus/Mars/Pluto, Mercury/Saturn, Sun/Jupiter, and Neptune/Moon conjunctions, as well as the NN on fs Algol.
I agree, this gamble does not pay off. This does not end the way anyone expects, least of all Putin.
Putin has Mercury ,Venus, Saturn and Mars transits in Aquarius opposite his natal Pluto at 22 Leo coming up in the next 6 weeks. These planets are all going to cross his karmic North node at 20 Aquarius and his IC at 21 Aquarius as well. 22 degrees of fixed signs have a bit of a reputation for misfortune. Mars and Saturn opposite Pluto suggest power struggles, enemies, limitations and possible defeats or losses. Venus opposite Pluto suggests pressure on close relationships. I will be very surprised if events in this period will deliver the results he expects or wants.
22 leo Pluto.
22 Leo is called” your own worst enemy”.
Appropriate or not?
As you will have all noticed I am no expert in astrology but very interested in the interpretation of the configurations. Could these coming transits relate to his health? I ask because a friend who saw the 3 am broadcast commented that he looked like a man in severe pain. Sitting in a fixed position, nothing moved but his face. Another thought we had was: were we seeing a deep fake (which would be created in a similar manner)? Putin already incapacitated but a distraction being staged to cover this up. Hence the deceptions. The power struggle at the top has already started. Perhaps? I don’t want to start any consipiracy theories here but nothing seems to add up so far.
@Susan, three observations I’ve made:
1) It’s too painful for me to watch these recordings in complete, but they have a very different choreography from Putin’s appearances in the past. Less walking through golden doors, less standing up etc…
2) Everything is recorded, as proofed by attendants’ watches and even time stamps. Mostly AM or very early PM – could mean some kind of medication being dosed more heavily in the evening.
3) Putin looks puffy.
So yes, it’s not out of question he really has sever pain.
Could it be rheumatoid arthritis? That is treated with steroids.
That is fascinating and it would explain his demeanor. As RA progresses, the body changes. The damage of cartilage causes people pain and loss of mobility. Range of motion in the joints becomes limited. It can be extremely painful as it progresses. Note the long term effects of steroids according to the Mayo Clinic:
-Fluid retention, causing swelling in your lower legs
-High blood pressure
-Problems with mood swings, memory, behavior, and other psychological effects, such as confusion or delirium
-Upset stomach
-Weight gain, with fat deposits in your abdomen, your face and the back of your neck.
I conclude it seems we can check off some the boxes above … interesting enough “mood swings behavior, and other psychological effects”.
Multiple people have recently commented on his changed behavior including Angela Merkel.
I recall Marjorie mentioned health related issues in one of her many posts on Putin.
“I think Putin has made a major strategic mistake by moving beyond the Donbas region. It is clearly a gamble which I suspect may well not come off. If Russian forces do get bogged down in fighting he will need to watch his back as there were apparently elements of the Russian military who were less than keen on getting involved in extended conflict. He will probably lose popular support as well if there are lots of casualties. Wars tend to run out of the control of the people who start them and in the end it will be the people around him in Russia who will remove Putin if he is not careful.”
To me, Putin isn’t clearly thinking on these terms anymore, for a reason or another. For all his ruthlessness with Chechenia, Georgia and Donbass, he has usually been patient. This time around there’s some sort of urgency in the air.
I have very little faith in internal opposition, short term. If Ucraine War drags and starts claiming many victims, I could see Russian mothers becoming a force, like they were during occupation of Afganistan.
I can’t get past Chiron on the descendant of the invasion chart. So much pain.
My relatives in The Netherlands are reported that their news is showing Ukrainians fleeing across the border into Poland
In a pre-dawn TV statement Russian President Vladimir Putin said Russia did not plan to occupy Ukraine and demanded that its military lay down their arms. (The BBC gives the time of this statement as 02.55 GMT 24/02/22)
Moments later, attacks were reported on Ukrainian military targets.
I think it might be worth looking at this time in addition to the announcement time you have employed.
Respectfully yours.
Just re-read your December post on Olaf Scholz in the light of to-days events. Particularly interesting (and very, very chilling) in relation to tr Uranus conjunct Pluto, in the run up to WW 11, particularly given the impending transition of Pluto into Aquarius…
Adele, Thanks I’d forgotten about Germany’s 17 deg Pluto – have amended.
“On a quick sweep what stands out are several with Pluto at 17 degrees Scorpio which will catch the destabilizing tr Uranus opposition from mid this June, on and off into 2023.”
I know that term charts tend to work best, but it also struck me that the Russia 862 chart has a Fixed T-square with Mars in Leo 16 opposition Neptune in Aquarius squaring onto Venus in Scorpio in the 12th house at 17 degrees. That Venus also happens to be the focal point of a yod with Pluto 18 Aries and Jupiter in Gemini.