Joan Collins – soldiering on in style

The indomitable Joan Collins sashayed through a glittering celebration of her 88th birthday and 20th wedding anniversary last night at Claridge’s in London surrounded by showbiz friends in full regalia. In an event-filled life she’s been married five times, mainly short-lived and ending badly, with one notable fling with Warren Beatty before settling with Hollywood producer Percy Gibson in 2002, who is more than thirty years her junior. She’s had a long on-screen career since her late teens, is known best for Dynasty and is still appearing on TV and in independent films.

  She was born 23 May 1933 at maybe 3am London and he 14 October 1965 7.12pm Abancay, Peru (birth certificate). 

  Her social butterfly Sun Venus in Gemini are good with his Gemini Moon and his Libra Sun, which may sit in her 7th house of one-to-one relationships. Her Sun Venus also oppose his passionate Venus Mars in Sagittarius for a crackle of passion, affection and fun. There are other less easy cross-overs with her Uranus opposition his Sun and her Pluto square his Sun, which will make her an unpredictable match. But since he is of the Uranus Pluto conjunction generation of the 1960s it may be a turbulent energy he is acclimatised to.  His Saturn in Pisces is also opposition her Neptune Mars which will be scratchy and confused at times; and her Taurus Moon square Saturn in Aquarius catches his Neptune awkwardly – she’ll be down to earth where he may be more evasive.

   Her Sun Venus are also conjunct his North Node for a ‘fated’ connection or one that feels ‘meant’ and will lead to his development. Her Saturn falls in his career 10th so it will make for a good working partnership or a marriage where career matters take precedence. She will make him better organised.

  Their relationship chart has a composite Sun conjunct a lucky, supportive Jupiter on one side and a possessive Pluto on the other; with Pluto in a wide welded-together opposition to Saturn which in turn is trine Mars. So mainly pluses from that with a scratchy minus from the control factor.

  It won’t all have been the cakewalk of seamless bliss it appears in HELLO magazine.  He has a focal point Gemini Moon onto a Uranus Pluto opposition Saturn so will be emotionally changeable, at times hyper-sensitive, inclined to avoid handling relationship conflict – and his Neptune in the 7th hints at a tendency to shy away from deep commitment. But they may be similar in that regard and maturing years plus long experience of troubled relationships on her side may have ironed out a few wrinkles.

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