USA & Trump – rabble-rousing boils over ++

“The mob is the most ruthless of tyrants.” Friedrich Nietzsche. ‘You blocks, you stones, you worse than senseless things!’    Shakespeare’s reflections on the mob in ‘Julius Caesar‘ are a reminder they have existed throughout history. The Romans were acutely aware that the crowd of common men had to be treated with caution, kept amiable with … Read more

Trump’s death dealing tantrum as he exits

Trump’s brawling exit from the White House, slashing-and-burning as he goes, leaves (he hopes) a scorched earth legacy for his replacement. It is even for him, nauseatingly destructive. He is, for one, auctioning off portions of the Arctic national wildlife refuge to oil drillers to add to his previous sins against the environment and mother … Read more

Trump campaign cash – where did the money go?

Details are just emerging about a shell company set up by Jared Kushner in 2018 to allow Trump and family to bypass federally required financial disclosures on how campaign funds were spent. Over $600 million from the $1.26bn coffers were funnelled through an opaque company with Lara Trump (Eric’s wife) named president, and Mike Pence’s … Read more

Donald Trump – not welcome notices going up

Rumblings from Florida hint that Trump will not be welcome to spend his retirement/declining years in Mar-a-Lago with neighbours seeking to enforce a decades-old compact (that gave him significant tax breaks) that says Mar-a-Lago, his private social club, cannot be used as a full-time residence.   Melania has already been scoping out Florida schools for … Read more

Trump and USA – facing up to the Eclipse challenge ++ foreign boltholes

For an aide-memoire of Trump’s star-crossed path of the moment, here’s a rerun of an earlier post. The Total Solar Eclipse in Sagittarius tomorrow, the day of the Electoral College is conjunct Trump’s Moon and opposition his Sun.  It is also opposition the USA Mars in Gemini so will bring a combative mood with arguments … Read more

In the Trump bunker – loyalty crumbling fast

Trump’s tantrums on losing have sent him flailing around to express his frustrated outrage in ways that alarm even his stalwart enablers. Having been dissuaded from bombing Iran (to date) he then decided to summarily withdraw large numbers of American troops from Afghanistan and Iraq. Mitch McConnell called the plan “a mistake” and warned the … Read more