Yods – cogs not quite meshing ++ fated couples (Trump/Kushner)

Yods don’t appear in every birth chart – two planets in sextile which are in quincunx/inconjunct/150 degree aspect to a focal point planet. So it’s worth paying attention when they appear in transit either celestially or in a chart.  The recent Venus Mars conjunction being a case in point – with Neptune sextile Pluto inconjunct … Read more

Trump family cracks – failure is an orphan

The shine has worn off the Trump family brand with even Ivanka and Jared reportedly jumping overboard after catching flak over the January 6th outrage. Senior’s inability to let go his obsessive grievance and his hours-a-day ranting over ‘a stolen election’ is also evidently grating. Plus he’s jealous about Kushner’s “seven-figure” book deal and fears … Read more

Matt Gaetz – a mini-chip off the Trump block

Matt Gaetz, the headline-grabbing Florida Republican congressman, a rabid pro-Trumper and eager conspiracy theorist, is embroiled in a sex scandal that carries real legal jeopardy. It started with reports of sexual relations with a 17-year-old girl and paying for her to cross state lines. (Interstate trafficking of underage children for sex is a federal offence.) … Read more

Trump Impeachment – the hear no evil lobby

The Trump impeachment proceedings are almost certain to end with a not guilty verdict despite horrifying video footage of the Capital invasion. But there is nothing indicating cheer on his chart ahead, quite the reverse.    Last December’s Sagittarius Solar Eclipse knocked him for six as it hit his Full Moon amidships; and will repeat … Read more