Fall guys for January 6 – anyone but Trump + Giuliani

Who will be thrown to the lions as a useful scapegoat to divert responsibility from Trump for the January 6 Capitol Attack? There is a short list as the select committee investigation uncovers increasingly damaging evidence that the president knew the election had been lost yet still exhorted his fan club to take action.   … Read more

Trump under scrutiny in disastrous year for him

Donald Trump “summoned the mob, assembled the mob, and lit the flame of this attack” asserted Liz Cheney at the opening of the January 6 Capitol Hill attack investigation. The committee hopes to prove Trump incited an attempted coup against the US government although they have not yet proven he colluded with the insurrectionists directly. … Read more

Mike Pence – the worm finally making a stand + Trump

Who’d have thought Mike Pence would be spear-heading the first signs of a Republican backlash against an increasingly out of control Trump?  Pence infuriated his former boss by refusing to  overturn Biden’s victory on January 7th, hours after the insurrection on Capitol Hill. He said the American people not the vice-president decided elections. Pence’s former … Read more

Steve Bannon – hiding behind Trump’s skirt

Moves to hold Steve Bannon, former aide to Trump, in contempt for refusing to testify before the 6 January Capitol riot congressional investigation committee, are gathering pace. It is the first of several confrontations that promise to test the boundaries of executive privilege — the presidential prerogative to keep official communications secret — and will … Read more