Amy Barrett – a decision Trump may regret

Amy Coney Barrett has been nominated and will almost certainly be confirmed as the Supreme Court replacement for Ruth Ginsberg. Barrett is reckoned extremely intelligent and capable though tainted by her association with a charismatic Christian, essentially Roman Catholic though also ecumenical, group known as People of Praise. It excludes women from its higher leadership … Read more

Kamala Harris – a seasoned campaigner ++ – toxic Trump reaction

Kamala Harris, the tough-on-crime former Attorney General of California now a senator, has been selected as Joe Biden’s running mate. Much has been made of her Indian-Jamaican background though she describes herself simply as ‘an American.’ She has a Libra Sun in her performing 5th house opposition an Aries Moon, so she’s vivacious and outgoing, … Read more

NRA & Trump versus New York lawyers

Legal jeopardy is mounting in several directions as New York attorneys ratchet up a gear, having variously – nailed down Ghislaine Maxwell, aimed firepower at Trump’s Deutsche Bank records citing public reports of “extensive and protracted criminal conduct at the Trump Organization”; and now has the NRA firmly in their crosshairs. Letitia James, New York’s … Read more