Barack Obama – a diversionary target for Trump twit-rage

A combination of narcissistic rage at being criticised by a loathed rival and knee-jerk diversionary tactic sent Trump into a 100-a-day twitter frenzy attacking Obama, as the US virus death toll reached 80,000. He charged Obama with ‘the biggest political crime in American history’ though it’s not clear what he’s supposed to have done. Obama … Read more

Kayleigh McEnany – hitching her wagon onto Trump

Trump’s never-ending supply of ‘Comical Ali’ press spokespersons has thrown up another doozy in “I will never lie to you” Kayleigh McEnany. She does appear marginally more experienced with a background in CNN and Fox than previous incumbents of the post – Kellyanne Conway, Sean Spicer, Sarah Sanders – but her support of the anti-Obama … Read more