Lara Trump has been flirting with the possibility of running for senate in 2022 in North Carolina. Though she’s facing a couple of hurdles before then. One is her father-in-law deflating like a punctured balloon and the Trump family facing myriad image-damaging lawsuits as well as financial woes. The other is her connection with a dog rescue charity that has spent nearly 2 million dollars at various Trump properties over the last several years. IRS filings for the non-profit list Lara Trump as a chairwoman for charity events starting in 2018.
Esquire writes: “Mixing politics and charity is risky business —- Lara Trump is funneling money into companies that she has a vested interest in. That kind of self-dealing is reflective of the practices of the former Trump Foundation which was forced to shut down after an investigation into the charity by New York Attorney General Barbara Underwood discovered it was engaging in “a shocking pattern of illegality” including “unlawfully coordinating with Mr. Trump’s 2016 presidential campaign.”
Born 12 October 1982, a former TV producer, she has been married to Eric Trump since 2014 and they have two children. She’s a sociable Sun Venus in Libra in a lively sextile to a publicity-attracting Mars Neptune in Sagittarius. With an unbudgeable Saturn Pluto in Libra and a money-magnet Jupiter in Scorpio maybe square a flamboyant Moon in Leo.
Her life is stalling altogether over the next two years as her Solar Arc Mars makes a discouraging square to her Saturn Pluto this year for a car-crash setback and worse in 2023 with Solar Arc Mars square her Pluto – trapped and scary. On top of that she has tr Pluto in a depressing square to her Saturn and deeply frustrating conjunction to her Solar Arc Mars this year; and tr Pluto is also in a challenging square to her Pluto in 2021/22. Life is changing and not as she wants. Tr Uranus will provide the odd ray of sunshine as it opposes her Jupiter mid this year but there again tr Saturn squares her Jupiter which will do the reverse. Methinks her political aspirations will have to wait, perhaps for another lifetime.
Eric Trump, 6 January 1984, is equally completely road-blocked from early 2022 through to late 2023 and beyond with tr Pluto square his Mars, then his Mars/Pluto midpoint and finally his Pluto in 2024.
Pic: Gage Skidmore.
Lara, like many of her fellow Republicans (Greene, Boebert, all sadly female, giving our gender a bad name), clearly doesn’t feel she needs to have proper qualifications and competence, as other women acutely feel, before applying for a job, especially to the Senate. Marrying Eric Trump alone gives you an idea of how bright she must be.
Then again, she saw her father-in-law ascend to the presidency, and must have figured, if he can, why shouldn’t I ?
I found it interesting Lara has been seen a lot on her father-in-law’s side lately. I would have expected Ivanka there, given her earlier role. However, it makes absolute sense given where I think Trump is cognitively and her Moon, which I’d suspect is close enough to Trump’s Ascendant. She’s now a safety blanket for visibly deteriorating (he seem to have lost control of his tongue, and also seems to be hooked on IV on regular bases) Donald when he has to appear in public.