Naomi Judd – a troubled family saga

Naomi Judd, the country singer, half of a successful duo with her daughter Wynonna, and mother also of actress and #MeToo activist Ashley Judd, has died. The family story is a  smorgasbord of talent, triumph, sexual abuse, broken relationships, drugs and mental illness. Naomi herself underwent years of psychiatric hospital treatments,   pharmaceutical drug poisoning, and … Read more

Putin’s mission to restore Russian glory folds in 2023

Putin’s first phase attack on Ukraine having failed in its purpose of a takeover complete with puppet government, there are fears he will bolster his dented pride by expanding operations elsewhere.   Transnistria, a breakaway segment of Moldova, controlled by pro-Russian separatists since 1992 which hosts 1,500 Russian troops and a large arms depot, borders … Read more

Elon Musk – Twitter times are achanging ahead

Elon Musk has agreed to buy Twitter for roughly $44bn, putting him in control of the influential social media platform that millions rely on for news. He describes himself as a “free speech absolutist” and in the past has attacked regulators and critics, though he’s not above blocking those he dislikes personally. The deal is … Read more

Draconic astrology – the search for soul purpose

Draconic astrology has become a hot topic with the emergence of Victor Olliver’s excellent and extensive book. Highly readable, sensible, clear in explanations, stuffed with examples, it humanises and grounds what could be a fairly arcane technique to pin down soul purpose in a life.   A draconic chart shifts the position of the North … Read more

Prince Harry – sailing high on a cloud of make believe ++ inheriting his great- grandpa’s rage and instability?

Yet another Prince Harry bizarre intervention to ripple Royal calm and irritate family members in its delusional arrogance. He does have a way, whether deliberate or unconscious (or Netflix-prompted), of gatecrashing key events and upstaging the main players. This latest spat would be best ignored except there is an astrological nugget buried in there.   … Read more

Germany – worst crisis since WW11 if Russian gas cut

 Germany, along with the EU, looks likely to suffer worse collateral damage from Putin’s attack on Ukraine than elsewhere given the ensuing energy crisis. The astrological jigsaw is now starting to fall into place. The Germany country chart with the economically disruptive tr Uranus conjunct the 8th house Pluto from mid this June onwards for … Read more