Kamel Daoud – talented, brave and making a difference

Kamel Daoud is an Algerian journalist and novelist whose first novel The Meursault Investigations won the Prix Goncourt amongst others. He’s had a fatwa issued against him for his writings on Islam (see Saudi Arabia below). Born 17 June 1970 in Algeria, he’s a Sun Gemini square Pluto, trine Jupiter in Libra; with Pluto in … Read more


ECLIPSES 2024    The first of this year’s eclipses comes on March 25 with a Lunar Eclipse at 5 degrees Libra/Aries. Pluto will trine/sextile the Full Moon to provide a degree of get-it-together energy. Though Neptune widely conjunct the Sun opposition Moon may cast an air of dither and drift into proceedings. Jupiter Uranus conjunct … Read more

Astrology: Facts and Forum

What is astrology? ASTROLOGY is an information source which mysteriously links the positions of planets in the solar system at birth to the later personality of people born at a particular time, and tracks the influences which affect them through their lives. Science has never attempted to put an explanation on why it should work, … Read more

Heavenly Headlines

September 2024 Pluto moving back into Capricorn for the final final time until late this November is ending its sixteen year run in the sign ruling finances and governmental systems.  At a personal level it will mean tidying up loose ends and putting the finishing touches to old ambitions before moving on into chatty, humanitarian … Read more