Tories – trick or treat may repeat past blunders ++ new leader chart

Undead Boris, try-try-again Rishi or fishy Penny Mordaunt is the platter du jour for Tory MPs as they wrestle for the soul of the party in the desperate hope of staving off implosion at the next General Election. Candidates need 100 MP nominations to run which have to be whipped up this week. The right … Read more

Israel – a tricky balancing act

Israel is treading a cautious middle line of neutrality over Ukraine providing “humanitarian aid” and “life-saving defensive equipment” but not weaponry or a defence system like the Iron Dome. They need Russian cooperation to continue air strikes against Iranian-backed forces in neighbouring Syria.   They have also finessed a tacit deal with Hezbollah who gave … Read more

Liz Truss – try again, likely same result ++ Tory Party

Applecart-upsetting Uranus sitting on the axis of Liz Truss’s term chart has been strutting its stuff in no uncertain manner. She has tossed overboard her personally chosen chancellor for having followed her line on economics, causing the markets to go into meltdown. In comes Jeremy Hunt –  with no Treasury experience (sigh) – who was … Read more

Kanye West – wild smears backfire ++ Carlson & KimK

 The tiresome, attention-grabbing and mystifyingly successful Kanye West has been locked out of his Instagram and Twitter accounts over antisemitic posts and has also drawn criticism for donning a ‘white lives matter’ T-shirt – a slogan promoted by white supremacists – during Paris fashion week. He told Fox News host Tucker Carlson he thought the … Read more

Scotland – undecided and divided ++ Trussophobia

All the indications are that the push for Scottish independence has stalled despite Nicola Sturgeon’s stalwart protestations about the next Westminster election being a ‘de facto referendum’ if she is not allowed one beforehand. The SNP has never won more than 50% of the vote even in their heyday so even this is wild hope … Read more

Daily Mail – catching the wrong sort of headlines ++ Online

The Daily Mail is being sued by a group of celebrities, including Prince Harry, Elton John and Baroness Lawrence for what they claim are ‘gross breaches of privacy’. The publishers have responded by calling the claims ‘preposterous smears.’   The allegations, if true, are of a much more serious variety than recent ‘he said/they said’ … Read more

Canada – standing firm not the best option

Canada is on tenterhooks with their heavy-duty, resistant Saturn in Scorpio opposition Pluto under considerable pressure from destabilising Uranus this month and the upcoming November eclipse.  There are indications of a recession in 2023 with high inflation but the country has been shielded from the Ukraine fall out and nowhere globally is immune from economic … Read more