Celebrities risking humiliation for a pay off

Guaranteed to light up the tabloids the ‘theatre of cruelty’ that is I’m a Celebrity in the jungle is back watched by millions and sneered at by the critics.   Early notables are Mike Tindall, the ex-rugby international husband of Zara, Princess Anne’s daughter, and the not-yet-appeared Matt Hancock, another laughing stock Tory MP, whose … Read more

Michael Moore & Barack Obama – hoping against the odds

Michel Moore, the documentary maker and left-wing activist, is convinced against the general consensus that the Democrats will win big in the midterms. He predicts there will be a record turnout of younger voters whose views pundits and commentators often miss, who have been riled by the SCOTUS anti-abortion vote. He says the biggest political … Read more

USA Pelosi attack – tensions rising pre-election

A savage attack on Nancy Pelosi’s husband leaving him with a fractured skull has raised concern not only about this incident but about the increase in threats of violence against lawmakers, judges and political candidates with tensions rising before the midterm elections on November 8th. Threats against  members of Congress are up by a multiple … Read more

Prince Harry’s truth – sold to the highest bidder ++ apres ‘I do’, le chaos

Prince Harry’s pact with the devil – media and money – is creaking towards a crescendo with every indication that he will regret selling his gripes for fame, fortune and vindication. Apart from anything else tedium is setting in and were it not for the damage his personal wrecking mission could cause to the monarchy … Read more

Zuck’s dream universe – lost in the clouds ++ chief Twit ditto and ditto

Lost-in-cyberspace Mark Zuckerburg, so focused on the alternative Meta universe he forgot to pay attention to the economic realities of the here and now, has seen FB/Meta shares down 60% from the start of the year, wiping hundreds of billions off the company’s value. Profits have halved, investors and advertisers are pulling back but there’s … Read more