The explosive second instalment to the recent Monaco corruption allegations has opened with Prince Albert taking the nuclear option to fire Palermo, his long-term asset manager, and his chief of staff, and distance himself from his lawyer and the president of the Supreme Court.
Last year’s rumours of alleged corruption involving property deals running to tens and sometimes hundreds of millions of euros on an anonymous website were initially written off by Albert as baseless conspiracies and dismissed. Now he has decided they might be true. But his precipitate dismissals may open a can of worms he won’t like. Le Monde said Palermo was the “holder of all the secrets of the principality, from the prince’s private accounts to government investments”. Le Monde reported that he was preparing to sue the prince for libel.
Monaco is a principality, which has a population of just 37,000 but the world’s highest percentage of millionaires, with property prices on average five times higher than in Paris
[See previous post Prince Albert – trouble in paradise. 28 March 2022.]Prince Albert, 14 March 1958 10.47 am Monte Carlo, with the sad wife and colourful love life, has a 10th house Pisces Sun square Saturn in Sagittarius in his 7th house of relationships, as well as a troubled, intense and impulsive Moon and Mars in Capricorn in his 8th house and controlling Pluto in his 4th house – leading to a complicated and turbulent love life. Just to add to his unpredictable romantic inclinations his Venus in Aquarius opposes Uranus and squares onto Neptune, North Node Jupiter in Scorpio.
He is seething at the moment with tr Pluto conjunct his 8th house Mars till late this year, which picked up in 2022 – so jeopardy where business finances are concerned. Plus tr Neptune square his Saturn undermining his close associations this year. He’ll be charging ahead regardless with tr Pluto square his Jupiter in 2023/24, but will be brought down to earth with a bump if not this year then certainly in 2024/25. The next two or three years will be a mess of confusion, devastation, setbacks and irritations. With a considerable upheaval at home as tr Uranus in Gemini squares his Pluto in 2025.
The lovely, fragile Princess Charlene, 25 January 1978 12.35pm Bulawayo, Zimbabwe, is equally looking strained and panicked over the next two years with a trapped, fearful tr Pluto opposition her Mars this year and next, followed by tr Pluto conjunct her Sun Venus in 2026/27. Her Solar Arc Mars squares her Neptune in late 2024/25 for a pervading sense of failure and her Solar Arc Saturn is in a discouraging and blocked conjunction to her Pluto also in 2025.
Their relationship chart is no happier than it has been recently with immense pressure being exerted by tr Pluto square the Saturn Mars in 2023/24 and tr Uranus upending dreams and delusions in 2024/24. It is a one-sided and unkind partnership that only survives if one partner, presumably her, completely suppresses their identity.
Monaco has had a long history with the first Grimaldi to rule installing himself on 8 January 1297 (OS). He was known as “Malizia” (translated from Italian either as “The Malicious One” or “The Cunning One.) It changed hands several times over the centuries and remained an autocratic monarchy under the Grimaldis as absolute rulers until a revolution demanded a Constitution which marginally reduced their power in 1911.
The 5 January 1911 chart and the 1297 one have fittingly enough a Capricorn Sun apiece, good for making money and business. The 1297 has Jupiter also in Capricorn and the 1911 Jupiter in Scorpio, equally no slouch when it comes to attracting gold. The 9 May 1949 which is the previous Prince Rainier’s Accession has the Sun, Venus and Mars in earthy Taurus in a determined square to Pluto Saturn in Leo. All three charts look edgy at the moment. And Prince Albert’s Accession of 6 April 2005 6.35am is undermined this year, involved in tangles with the authorities in 2024 and hitting a major setback in 2026.
It is a totally claustrophobic and quite gruesome 2 square kilometres (less than 1 square mile) of crowded living.
Another pluto/capricorn swansong? There may be repercussions for France and French politicians.
Well done for picking this one up so quickly. Will be fascinating to know what Palermo’s role will be in this game.