Denmark Royals – slim down unpopular down the line

Queen Margrethe of Denmark is slimming down the Royal family by removing the royal titles from her second son’s children, though they will be deemed count and countess. Prince Joachim is up in arms and publicly criticising his mother, though her actions follow a similar pattern to Sweden which in 2019 dropped titles for the … Read more

Qatar World Cup – sugarcoating abuses

Qatar heading for the controversial World Cup in November has been lambasted by the family of a UK businessman who allegedly committed suicide after being tortured in a secret detention centre. They released a statement saying: “Qatar is throwing millions at creating a veneer of respectability, which in reality hides a wholly unchanged, barbaric regime. … Read more

Budget botch – Tory harakiri with collateral damage ++ savage criticism

“Britain is staring down the barrel of a self-inflicted economic catastrophe.” “We are now watching the real-time implosion of the governing party.”   As commentators and economists across the globe look on  aghast and EU leaders permit themselves a sour smile of schadenfreude, UK voters stand frozen as yet another thunderbolt descends after Brexit, Ukraine, … Read more

Moon Jupiter – not as cosy and sugary as it sounds

Moon Jupiter mothers or childhoods evoke an image of supportive cushioning echoed in Ronald Reagan’s thoughts about his mother who “always expected to find the best in people”.  A regular and involved church goer she instilled her religious beliefs in her son and left him with a strong faith in the goodness of people. He … Read more

Mid Terms 22 – Biden eclipsed, Schiff and McConnell hopeful

Voter gloom about the Biden presidency with inflation rising and an economic recession approaching, and no sign of immigration or crime being tackled effectively pointed to a sure-fire loss in the November midterms. But the polling gap is closing after the unpopular anti-abortion rulings and the Trump classified-document farrago at Mar-a-Lago and now the New … Read more