King Charles – juggling complicated relationships ++ Macron and backstabbing Andrew

The third Carolean era begins on a high note with respect for the late Queen and her glorious send off touching the heart of even the most ardent republican. But whether Charles, basking in her glow and without a guiding hand from an experienced and esteemed prime minister as she had, will glide easily into … Read more

Liz Truss & Joe Biden – not singing in tune ++ UK economic woes

     Liz Truss hot-footing it to the USA has made the surprising admission that a UK-US trade deal, seen as one of the biggest prizes of Brexit, essential to boost UK growth, is not likely in the next few years. The Northern Ireland Protocol is one stumbling block with some Democrats warning there can be … Read more

George Clooney & Julia Roberts – ticket to escape reality

George Clooney and Julia Roberts have hooked up for a feel-good movie to which reviewers have given a modulated welcome. Audiences desperate for a light-hearted break from woes and worries may lap it up when it goes on release in next month. ‘The single greatest joy of Ticket to Paradise comes from the unwavering belief … Read more

Bolsonara – his hot air balloon heading down

Jair Bolsonaro, Brazil’s bombastic right-wing president, is eight percentage points behind in the polls for the October 2 election to Luiz Lula da Silva and swearing he’ll go if he loses despite having previously indicated he wouldn’t admit defeat. Whatever he says, there are fears of a constitutional crisis since he’s likely to react badly … Read more

Princess Anne – carrying on her mother’s legacy

Princess Anne transformed from a talented equestrian with a belligerent approach to the media into an industrious, under-stated Royal with a punishing workload of annual appointments. She travels frequently abroad for Save the Children fund which earned her a Nobel nomination. Her distaste with the fairytale princess role saw her dispense with the early glamourised … Read more

Mark Rowley – will new Met Police chief sweep clean?

Mark Rowley has taken over as the new London Metropolitan police commissioner with a remit to root out “unacceptable behaviour at all levels, including misogyny, racism and homophobia” and corrupt officers. Repeated crises recently led to it being judged to be so poor it was placed into special measures. Public confidence crashed in the last … Read more

Giorgia Meloni – ambitious plans to restore Italy’s stability

Giorgia Meloni, a right-wing adherent of pro-Mussolini politics, is riding high in the polls for the September 25th election. Pundits say if she fulfils the predictions she should have enough to form a coalition to  become Italy’s first female prime minister. Her next hope would be to transform Italy from a parliamentary republic, ruled since … Read more

King Charles 111 – a Neptunian Full Moon reign

Charles 111 was proclaimed King at 10.04 am this morning in London on the exact Full Moon conjunct Neptune. This sounds indecisive, unstable, overly dewy-eyed. Except that the Full Moon is the fulcrum of a determinedly practical and business-like Earth Grand Trine of Virgo Sun trine Uranus (North Node) in Taurus trine Pluto. It won’t … Read more

Liz Truss and friends – her key foes are the unions

The Truss cabinet may be diverse ethnically but it follows Boris’s mantra of rewarding supporters and banishing divergent thinkers which hardly bodes well.  Therese Coffey, Deputy PM and Health Secretary, overweight and a smoker, RC and anti-abortion and anti-same-sex marriage. She’s a Sun Scorpio with Saturn in Gemini opposition Neptune square Mars in Pisces (shades … Read more