Edward de Bono – dazzling or deluded?

Edward de Bono, a self-styled genius who invented the term lateral thinking, has died. His 60 plus books and relentless stream of out-of-the-box ideas brought riches and withering criticism. One reviewer said he had “the great salesman’s gift of being fluent in the international language of gibberish. If his life and career teach us anything, … Read more

Naomi Wolf & Melanie Phillips – the furies shriek

Naomi Wolf is in a full-on anti-vaxxer rant round the US at the moment. Although she garnered a respectable reputation initially as leader of the third wave of feminism, her scaremongering in recent years about government-led plots to establish a dictatorship and other conspiracy theories, has been described as “unhinged, damaging, and dangerous.”   Born … Read more

Hungary & Poland v EU – rebellious late entrants

Hungary has lost its attempt in the European Court of Justice to reverse the outcome of a vote by MEPs that could lead to a country being stripped of voting rights in Brussels. Red flags have been raised over recent anti-democratic reforms curbing the independence of Hungary’s judiciary, central bank and media. In reality, the … Read more

Syria – with ‘mafia mob boss’ Assad in charge for now

Syria is about to hold elections described in Europe as a farce which will undoubtedly return Bashar Assad on an unassailable and risible majority. The country battered by a savage war for a decade, with Russia and Iran as military backstops, has disappeared from the headlines but Bashar Assad has been ruthlessly consolidating his family’s … Read more

Israel – needing a judgement of Solomon

Savage ironies are writ large in the intractable, never-ending Dante’s Inferno of the Israel/Palestine saga. The Jewish people never forgot the homeland they had been ejected from two millenia ago and yet the Israelis set their faces obdurately against any suggestion that the 700,000 indigenous Palestinians who were forcibly severed from their homes after the … Read more

Boris – the class clown as wrecker-in-chief

Boris Johnson is still benefiting in the popularity polls from the vaccine bounce and the unaccountable failure of Keir Starmer, the Opposition leader, to sparkle into gear. This despite his Government chart wilting with the undermining tr Neptune square the Sun since late last month, which suggests there is more uncertainty and dither behind the … Read more

Brazil – reaping the whirlwind of bad decisions

Brazil is being ravaged by the pandemic which President Bolsonaro underplayed resulting in the country having a quarter of all Covid-19 deaths in the world last week. The national health system is on the verge of collapse with intensive care units across the country overstretched and one study estimated in April/May the death toll could … Read more