UK and Boris – a folie a deux ++ Tory Party 2023 turmoil

‘Live in the midst of difficulties as if they did not exist’ is a laudable I Ching goal for a keep-calm-and-carry-on tranquillity but hardly helpful as government strategy in the face of mounting problems. Empty supermarket shelves, the result of a mixed Brexit and pingdemic effect, are alarming shoppers and likely to worsen towards Christmas. … Read more

Texas – the macho culture running amok

A Texas ban on abortions after six weeks has gone ahead despite Chief Justice Roberts of SCOTUS calling the enforcement scheme as “not only unusual, but unprecedented” and said it deserved more exacting judicial scrutiny. He was over-ruled by five of his conservative colleagues. Over recent years other such attempts at state level have been … Read more

Elizabeth Holmes – leading a helpless woman defence + baby and parents

The trial of Theranos founder Elizabeth Holmes will start this week in California. She is charged with six counts of fraud relating to her now-defunct medical startup. The company, founded in 2003, claimed it would revolutionize the medical testing space with a new blood diagnostic technology. Theranos had reached a valuation of $10bn before it … Read more

Joe Biden – can’t escape his astrology + USA crossover + Boris + Kamala Harris

“What you see is what you get” applies to some, but Shakespeare wasn’t wrong in his estimation that “ all that glisters is not gold — gilded tombs do worms enfold.”   The gulf between the public image and the private reality is always most marked with political or celebrity figures, who sell a seductive slice … Read more

Katie Hopkins – running out of outlets

The ranting, rancid, far right-wing Katie Hopkins has been booted out by yet another media outlet. She has been dumped as a cast member of Australia’s Big Brother VIP after describing Covid-19 lockdowns as “the greatest hoax in human history” and joking about breaching quarantine rules. Last year she had her Twitter account with 1.1m … Read more

Marjorie Taylor Greene – twisting reality to attack

Marjorie Taylor Greene is not only addicted to offensive, over-heated rhetoric but also to a warped Trumpian cum Nazi tactic of turning herself and her ilk into victims. She recently was forced to apologize for suggesting that mask mandates were similar to the Holocaust; and promptly went on to compare medical personnel offering vaccinations to … Read more

Leni Riefenstahl – putting a gloss on Hitler’s lies

The Dictator’s Muse is a new novel about Leni Riefenstahl, the film director known variously as the greatest female film director of the 20th century and a Nazi propagandist. Her two 1930s films “Triumph of the Will” about the 1934 Nuremberg Rally and Olympia were highly effective in giving artistic expression to the “Hitler myth”, … Read more

Mitch McConnell – winning is the only thing

Mitch McConnell, the GOP Senate Minority Leader, has stirred up outrage with his comment that if there is a Republican-controlled senate after the 2022 midterms, he would refuse to consider a Biden nominee for the Supreme Court. Such behaviour is regarded as an anti-democratic power grab and “constitutional hardball” — behaviour that isn’t technically forbidden … Read more