Pro-Gaza peace march calm, the fringes less so

300,000 people marched through central London calling for a Gaza ceasefire in a peaceful demonstration apart from what the Met police called “extreme violence from right-wing protesters” who set out to confront the pro-Palestinian marchers. Nine officers were injured and 126 people arrested, the vast majority of them counter-protesters. Serious offences relating to anti-semitic hate crimes were also being investigated, presumably from both the far-right and the Hamas supporters.

  It saw the return of Tommy Robinson, the ‘opportunistic hero of the far right’, founder of the anti-Islamic English Defence League, who was on the front line, ringing with  chants of “England till I die” and “we want our country back with much waving of Union Jacks and the St George’s flag. But he departed before the Cenotaph and before he could be arrested.

 Robinson, 27 November 1982, returned to prominence a week after his return to Twitter/X from which he had previously been banned for five years. He founded the EDL on 27 June 2009 and along the way of his activist career he has been jailed six times, found guilty of libelling a fifteen-year-old Syrian refugee and convicted of prejudicing the trial of an alleged child-grooming gang. The catalyst for EDL was discovering Islamists were recruiting men from his home town to fight for the Taliban in Afghanistan. He is pro-Trump, praised by the Proud Boys and has a following among anti-Islam groups in Germany and Denmark.

  He’s a rebellious and outspoken Sun, Uranus, Mercury, Venus in Sagittarius with a tough-minded and angry Mars in Capricorn square Saturn Pluto in Libra.  His Uranus Sun are square the UK’s Pluto so upending the established order will be a trigger for him. Though he is nowhere as determined as Oswald Moseley, who found the British Fascist Party in 1932 who was a Sun, Uranus, Saturn in Scorpio.

 The English Defence League, 27 June 2009, has a controlling patriotic Cancer Sun opposition Pluto square a rebellious Uranus; with a crusading North Node in Aquarius; a passionate and doggedly obstinate Venus Mars in Taurus (like Hitler) – and a Jupiter Neptune Chiron conjunction in Aquarius. What it shares with the British Fascist Party, 1 October 1932, is a Jupiter Neptune conjunction which Liz Greene describes as messianic – on a divine mission to save. The EDL Pluto is square the UK’s Uranus – so again a clash of values with the EDL trying to impose theirs. Though they won’t be making much if any headway once Neptune moves into Aries and even before then their expectations will be disappointed.

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