Eclipse above stormy seas – then sunshine

The Lunar Eclipse in late Taurus conjunct Algol this coming Friday comes at the end of a turbulent ten days with a bad-tempered, mishap-prone Mars in Scorpio square Saturn last week and then Mars in a disruptive, can-be-explosive opposition to Uranus this Wednesday. The alarm about Russia’s manoeuvring in eastern Europe will be part of … Read more

Steele Dossier – a tangle of truths and lies

Spooks, politicos and lawyers collide to throw more questions than answers around the Steele Dossier which purported to show Trump’s Kremlin connection before the 2016 election. A Russian analyst has been arrested by US authorities for lying.  He was the source for the most incendiary allegation that Trump was compromised during a trip to Moscow … Read more

US Supreme Court – losing respect amongst the public ++ Barrett, Kavanaugh, Gorsuch

With the Supreme Court’s approval rating slipping in the USA and only 28% polled recently wanting to see the pro-choice Roe versus Wade repealed, there will be a moment of truth coming. The Texas near total ban on abortions even where rape or incest are involved and a Mississippi similar one are coming before SCOTUS … Read more

Poland – discovering EU money comes with ties

Poland’s prime minister – a cross between Boris Johnson and Donald Trump – has been using inflammatory language about ‘guns to head’ and starting a third World War as the EU put its foot down about internal Polish moves to threaten the independence of the judiciary. The stand-off has already delayed approval of Poland’s €36bn … Read more

Northern Ireland – between a rock and a hard place

The war of words over the unresolved Northern Ireland trade screw up post-Brexit is escalating with David Frost, negotiator on the UK side, threatening the nuclear option of suspending the protocol about the land border between north and south if the EU doesn’t budge by the end of the month – which would breach international … Read more

Newcastle United – pawns in a geo-political game + Amanda Staveley

The strange tale of Newcastle United, a lacklustre English football club that hasn’t won a major domestic title since 1955, being bought after a determined hassle by the Saudi sovereign wealth fund raises many questions. It is no simple commercial deal with political pressure being brought to bear on Boris Johnson to persuade the football … Read more

Jair Bolsonaro – hubris will get its comeuppance

Despite smirking smiles at the meet with Boris Johnson in New York and banter about vaccinations, Jair Bolsonaro is not as confident as he appears. His attempt to rabble-rouse the mob in Brazil to bully the country’s Supreme Court into submission appears to have been a failure. He aimed to do ‘a Trump’ and mobilise … Read more