Canada – heavyweight kickback against vaccine mandates

Despite a high vaccination rate in Canada – 90 percent – a “Freedom Convoy” of tens of thousands of truckers in a 45 mile line still disrupted Ottawa and sent Justin Trudeau fleeing for a safe haven. They were  demonstrating against Covid-19 vaccine mandates for cross-border truck drivers. Trudeau accused  conservative politicians of stoking fears … Read more

Virginia Thomas – her activism a threat to SCOTUS

Virginia Thomas, the vocal right-wing wife of Supreme Court judge Clarence Thomas is coming under increasing scrutiny as the Supreme Court plummets to its lowest level ever approval rating over a perception that it is becoming overly politicized. She is working with many groups directly involved in controversial cases on abortion, affirmative action, and gun … Read more

Political smoke – and a serendipitous police inquiry

Various questions spring to mind about the delay to Sue Gray’s Boris Partygate report or its dilution to the point of worthlessness  after police demanded there should be ‘minimal reference’ to lockdown breaches in it, which they are now – belatedly and mysteriously – investigating as potentially criminal. Is it a government/Boris tactic to duck … Read more

Boris Johnson – puppet dancing on a cliff edge ++ driven by demons from the distant past

Boris Johnson’s exit is set to be as grubby and shambolic as his appearance as he ignores gravity with Trump-like bravado. His mischievous mask is slipping and the underlying nastiness being exposed as he prepares to throw his aides on the bonfire to deflect blame. All of which has been said before and may well … Read more

Epstein’s sordid circle – an astro- spider’s web

 A dreary not to say sleazy start to 2022 with the news headlines awash with the fall-out from Jeffrey Epstein as well as covid confusion and questionable, if not downright, corrupt politicking in various quarters.   A Ghislaine Maxwell re-trial doesn’t bear thinking about after a screw-up by an idiot juror. And Prince Andrew’s Virginia … Read more

USA 2022 – on the brink of a historic shift

The United States poised on the brink of a momentous Pluto Return is stumbling through a discombobulating transition from the wild west of the Trump years into Biden dullsville. What Jon Sopel, the BBC correspondent, described as four years of ‘a Bacchanalian orgy of stories, backbiting, sackings, leaks, fury and indignation, and chaos’; into ‘order, … Read more

Bob Dole – an alter-ego for the USA

The former GOP Senator Bob Dole’s death has brought a flood of ovations about his bravery, statesmanship and patriotism. He was badly wounded in WW11 but recovered to collect a law degree and enter politics, become a prominent player in the Republican Party, standing as potential VP and nominee in several presidential elections. He was … Read more