Kitty Spencer – a wedding Diana would be proud of

An over-the-top socialite-marries-billionaire wedding on Saturday saw Lady Kitty Spencer, niece of Princess Diana, married to South African fashion-mogul Michael Lewis, who is twice her age and five years older than her father. She dazzled in a series of gowns made for her by Dolce & Gabbana, for whom she is a brand ambassador.   … Read more

Boris & co – disorganised Yods and grumbles ++ Sajid Javid

Boris Johnson’s chief of staff Dan Rosenfeld is, according to the Times, facing a mutiny from political advisers who feel their views aren’t being taken into account. He is gatekeeping too rigorously and blocking information from the PM.  Though how much Johnson would read/absorb is questionable anyway.   This is only a passing piece since … Read more

Renee Zellweger – a trying life despite success

Actress Rene Zellweger, three decades into a super-successful career, festooned with awards – Oscars, Golden Globes, Baftas and Screen Actors Guild – still has to find a settled relationship. She’s flitted from short-lived liaisons to Jim Carrey, a brief marriage, and thence on to various ports of call but never stopping for long. She is … Read more

Floods in N Europe – pointed up by the Lunar Eclipse ++ China also

Floods in northern Europe have caused at least 120 deaths with 1300 missing in Germany which has caught the worst of it, with rainfall heavier than seen for a century.   The recent Lunar Eclipse of late May, still in effect, had the Sagittarius/Gemini Full Moon sitting across the Midheaven/IC axis located to the affected … Read more

Laurens van der Post – influential and flawed

Laurens van der Post was a South African writer, philosopher, conservationist, close friend of the Swiss therapist Carl Jung and mentor to Prince Charles, godfather of Prince William, adviser to Margaret Thatcher. He was much praised for his initiative when a prisoner of war of the Japanese during World War 11, maintaining the morale of … Read more