Joe Biden – can’t escape his astrology + USA crossover + Boris + Kamala Harris

“What you see is what you get” applies to some, but Shakespeare wasn’t wrong in his estimation that “ all that glisters is not gold — gilded tombs do worms enfold.”   The gulf between the public image and the private reality is always most marked with political or celebrity figures, who sell a seductive slice … Read more

Boris – throwing a spiteful tantrum

An “apopleptic” Boris Johnson is hardly a surprise though his raging tonto fit is right on astrological cue as his Progressed Moon exactly opposes his Mars at the moment. He evidently lost the rag at his Chancellor Rishi Sunak, whom he blamed for distributing a letter criticising his chaotic travel restrictions, which Boris said guaranteed … Read more

Kamala Harris – sliding down the polls

Kamala Harris’s standing is flagging as she becomes the most unpopular US vice president for decades. She ticks more disapprovals than approvals having not shone in her two assignments of immigration and voting rights. She managed to alienate some Hispanic voters by telling those from central America not to come and equally upset others by … Read more

Piers Morgan – making a success of being offensive ++ wife Celia

Piers Morgan, famously outspoken and abrasively confident, has made a car-crash career out of being a professional provocateur.  Rupert Murdoch, his former boss at the News of the World, where he was editor described him as having “balls bigger than his brains”. And it’s not that he’s always wrong, having blown his US TV presenting … Read more

Malta: Galizia murder – high level humiliation

The car-bomb killing of investigative reporter Caruana Galizia in 2017 – “a one woman wikileaks” – who led the Panama Papers investigation into corruption in Malta sent shock waves through the government. Joseph Muscat was eventually forced to resign as prime minister as several with close ties to himself, senior government officials and senior police … Read more