Operation Overlord – eclipses key to USA destiny

  Operation Overlord, the successful World War 11 invasion of German-occupied Europe, by allied forces started with landings in Normandy, France on 6th June 1944. It was an extraordinary logistical exercise with 1,200-planes bombing in advance of 160,000 troops being landed having crossed the English Channel in an amphibious assault involving more than 5,000 vessels. … Read more

Lori Loughlin and family – a scandal storm

Actress Lori Loughlin and her husband fashion designer Mossimo Giannulli have finally pleaded guilty to charges of conspiracy to secure “fraudulent admission” of their two children to the University of Southern California (USC. She gets two months inside, her husband 5 months plus fines and community service. This follows actress Felicity Huffman’s two-week sentence for … Read more