Israel – more of the same but worse

Israel has sworn in a unity government under the revolving leadership of Benjamin Netanyahu and Benny Gantz which is likely to oversee the annexation of large parts of the West Bank. It’s also likely to defer indefinitely any potential sentence for corruption charges against Netanyahu. Trump/Kushner’s ‘vision for peace’ for Palestine, described as Monty Python-ish, … Read more

Jared Kushner – brass neck and unshakeable arrogance ++ family traits

The epithets describing Jared Kushner’s elevation to a senior role in masterminding the USA coronavirus response are excoriating, the most pungent calling his squad a “frat party” that “descended from a U.F.O. and invaded the federal government.” Politico said “This is dilettantism raised to the level of sociopathy.” It follows on the heels of his … Read more