Amy Coney Barratt – nothing simple or stress-free ahead ++

Amy Coney Barrett was sworn in to the Supreme Court at 9.17pm in Washington yesterday. This puts Moon Neptune in Pisces in the 10th which can suggest a caring approach though Neptune’s religious zealotry can also be chilling, as well as its slippery indecisiveness. There’s a divisive and rebellious Sun Mercury in the grandstanding 5th … Read more

Elaine & Mitch – the gravy train may derail

Power-couple Senate leader Mitch McConnell and Secretary of Transportation Elaine Chao, married since 1993, are heading into a troubled few months ahead.   Elaine Chao, born 26 March 1953 in Taipei, Taiwan, was under investigation for conflict of interest involving her father and sister’s considerable business interests in China which have extensive ties to the … Read more

Bolivia – left-wing winner facing trials and tribulations ahead

A surprise result in the Bolivia election put progressive Luis Arce way out in front of the right-wing candidates supported by the police-military coup of 2019. As the economic minister for more than a decade under President Evo Morales who was forced to flee the country in 2019, Arce was deemed to be the mastermind … Read more

USA – a choice to renew or drift into stasis

The USA stands on the brink, facing a historic fork in the road, with the most polarised climate since 1860. It won’t matter much whether Biden wins outright and then faces a hostile Supreme Court and perhaps Senate as Obama did, road-blocking his agenda; or Trump finagles in via the skewed and undemocratic Electoral College … Read more

BBC under siege on the right flank

Boris in full-Trumpian spate is, according to reports, attempting to shoehorn two right-wingers into key broadcasting jobs, which should be put out to tender and a selection process. The prospect of Charles Moore, ex-Telegraph editor, as possible BBC chairman will invoke shudders of horror amongst the inmates. As will Paul Dacre, former Daily Mail editor, … Read more

Supreme Court battle – a black swan ++ Lindsay Graham

Ruth Bader Ginsberg, a liberal voice on the Supreme Court, has died which has thrown a fireball into the run up to the US Presidential election. The process of selecting her replacement is likely to raise rancour considerably with the Republicans aiming to railroad the Senate vote through quickly in contrast to 2016 when they … Read more

Israel – a peace deal that ramps up the arms race

The Israel Bahrain and UAE deal has been hailed as a “new dawn of peace” in the Middle East which, according to Trump, will change the course of history. The portentously named Abraham Accords has met a mixed reception though with less raucous laughter than Jared Kushner’s first effort. Trump, Netanyahu, Kushner and Tony Blair … Read more