Heavy-handed police arrests at a London violence-against-women vigil in memory of Sarah Everard, killed while walking home, have sent images of a small woman being cuffed face down on the ground round the world. In the event only four were arrested for public order offences and breach of Covid laws but the furore has seen widespread calls for the resignation of the Met Police Chief Cressida Dick. A Met police constable and firearms officer assigned to parliamentary and diplomatic protection has been charged with Sarah Everard’s kidnap and murder.
Cressida Dick, 16 October 1960, has tap danced through a fair number of missteps in her career. She was in charge of the 2005 operation which saw an innocent Brazilian De Menezes shot, having been mistaken for a terrorist after the London 7/7 bombings. More recently she sanctioned the disastrous and damaging botched Operation Midland investigation into paedophiles at Westminster, relying on fantasist Carl Beech’s testimony. She was also criticised for the light-touch policing of Extinction Rebellion demos in 2019.
Born into a distinguished academic family, she’s a Sun Libra with a talented but hard-edged and ultra-determined Half Grand Sextile from Saturn in Capricorn opposition Mars in Cancer sextile trine Neptune and Pluto; with a charming though outspoken Venus Mercury in Scorpio square Uranus and an adventurous/lucky Uranus trine Jupiter. Her Moon is in Leo or Virgo. She looks more than devastated at the moment with her Solar Arc Pluto conjunct her Neptune and worse in 2023 with a panicky-failure Solar Arc Neptune opposition Mars.
Her Term chart, 10 April 2017, always pointed to this year as being one of disruption and upheaval as tr Pluto squares the Uranus, which often coincides with a fall-off-perch moment. It returns for a final direct aspect mid August to the year end; and if that doesn’t do it, then 2022 has Solar Arc Pluto square the Uranus. Not that she’ll be short of a lucrative bolt hole with her CV and background when she moves on.
The Metropolitan Police was formed by Robert Peel on 29 September 1829, which oddly enough also has a Libra Sun and Moon. The scales of justice make sense, even if more in the aspiration than practice. It has an entrepreneurial, super-confident, arrogant Fire Grand Trine of Jupiter trine Saturn in Leo trine Pluto, which forms into a Kite with Pluto opposition the Sun – certainly controlling, at times overly forceful, stubborn, resistant to change.
It is an accurate chart since the recent Operation Midland screw up (2016) showed up clearly with tr Pluto conjunct the Met Neptune and tr Uranus square.
The earlier catastrophic hit for the Met’s reputation from the conclusions of the 1999 inquiry into the death of Stephen Lawrence which found the investigation had been incompetent with a failure of leadership; and that the Met were institutionally racist – coincided with a nerve-stretched tr Neptune conjunct the Met Uranus, tr Uranus opposition the Met Saturn and tr Pluto conjunct one leg of the Met Grand Trine exerting pressure for change. Though the fall out continued for years with further allegations of police corruption in helping to hide the killers of Lawrence; with pressure internally to smear the credibility of the Lawrence who were campaigning for further investigations into his death.
At the moment the Met chart has tr Neptune opposition the Mars picking up from mid this April, running on and off throughout 2022 to January 2023. That usually coincides with damage to reputation and unsuccessful plans as well as stalled progress. And it will face more damage in two and three years as the Solar Arc Mars opposes the Sun and is conjunct the Pluto. That could be a significant setback of collision proportions or a particularly risky patch with major accidents or terrorist attacks.