Bob Dole – an alter-ego for the USA

The former GOP Senator Bob Dole’s death has brought a flood of ovations about his bravery, statesmanship and patriotism. He was badly wounded in WW11 but recovered to collect a law degree and enter politics, become a prominent player in the Republican Party, standing as potential VP and nominee in several presidential elections. He was regarded as bipartisan, one of the last figures from an era when Congress functioned well.

   What is less highlighted in the reverential  obituaries is his post-Senate career from 1996 lobbying for a range of shady and kleptocratic foreign figures. One commentator wrote: ‘In many ways, Dole helped open the floodgates to an explosion of sleazy lobbying that has drenched Washington in the past few decades.’

  He was the only former GOP nominee to endorse Donald Trump (and who continued praising the former president) and his own 1996 nomination was overseen by Paul Manafort (Trump’s erstwhile campaign manager, condemned by the Senate Intelligence Committee for his ties to Russian intelligence.)

  Dole was born 22 July 1923 12.10am Russell, Kansas, and had a patriotic 4th house Sun Cancer. His 3rd house persuasively and powerfully charming Pluto Venus in Cancer fitted the USA chart well and he even had the USA’s Saturn in Libra.  His Venus Pluto were in a Water Grand Trine to Uranus in Pisces trine Moon Jupiter in Scorpio, which would give him a healing presence for others though would also lock him in his own interior world. He looked a very private, secretive man from the chart. Hard-working, determined, quite seductive in a political sense and good at selling arguments to the other side with Moon Jupiter in the 7th.

  His Mars in flamboyant Leo close to his Sun and in an opportunistic square to Jupiter might give a pointer to his less than shining-white tendencies.

2 thoughts on “Bob Dole – an alter-ego for the USA

  1. STARKMAN says, “With 45 events I rectified his chart to 00.25.32 CST Asc 11Tau45′
    Longevity: Jupiter 180 Asc, 120 Pluto which is in exact sexile to Asc orb 34′
    His Epoch is casting to 21 October 1922 14.25.08 UT Asc 15Sco21′: Grand trine of Pluto, Uranus and Moon & Asc
    Sun conjunct Jupiter sexstile MC in Leo.
    Helio Mars trine Pluto
    In both radix and epoch Neptune is square Asc- wounded and many hospitalizations.
    For his death:
    Primary directions in Topocentric system
    Sun 180 Asc R/R 8′
    Sun 0 MC E/R 3′
    NN 120 Sun E/E 4′
    All are typical aspects for death of old people
    Uranus on Asc 10′
    Pluto on MC 34′
    Mars 60 MC
    Converse Neptune 120 Asc 25

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