14 thoughts on “Questions & Comments

  1. Marjorie just a point of interest. I was watching a true crime program about Reynhard Sinaga who drugged and raped over 100 men in Manchester. I checked his chart in the ephemeris (19.02.83) and just like Jeffrey Epstein he has Venus conj. Mars in Pisces and in his case in a square to Neptune. I remember you saying in relation to Epstein that Venus conj. Mars can be an indicator of sexual compulsion or depravity, which certainly seems true in Sinaga’s case.

    • Urgh, there is so much depressing blackness about at the moment – he sounds grim. Mars Venus runs through a few of the Epsein cronies – Prince Andrew in Capricorn, Ghislaine Maxwell in Sag/Capricorn, Bill Clinton – and even the 18th Century Casanova – also in Pisces. It need not mean depravity, just high levels of passion and sexual intent.

  2. Hello, you had posted somewhat of an update about “when” covid would be suppressed/eradicated, in response to a reader. Reading more articles that the omicron flavor may over-run even twice-vaccinated and boostered people. Can you repost your covid posting…thanks.

    Could be the making of yet another disaster film, titled “OMICRON”.

    • 14 November 2021 post. This recent Solar eclipse was supposed to be a ‘joyful’ one – though having skipped back over previous ones in this Saros series – Nov 2003, 1985, 1967 – it didn’t seem that upbeat before either.

      I’ve moved on from Saturn Pluto as the mark of the beast covid when it started in 2020 to the Saturn Uranus square – through 2021 to late 2022. Ebertin ascribes some of its associations to breathing problems though not exactly similar. But certainly there is an uncomfortable, high-tension, stop-start feel to Saturn Uranus.

  3. Hi Marjory.

    Portugal will hold general elections next January 30th 2022. It’s quite a surprising event, as no one expected this snap election. The election was called, by President, on 4 November 2021 after the government’s budget was rejected on 27 October. The mood here is that the election outcome is uncertain, even if the PS is the favourite, as election polling predictions failed for the September local elections. Any insights?

  4. Hi Marjorie, just wondered if you would mind taking a look at Lewis Hamilton next couple of years. Controversial finish yesterday for championship, with rules changing at last minute and being partly enacted. Mercedes are considering whether to take things further, which means could end up as legal dispute. Lewis very gracious and composed in defeat. Lewis has a published birth time of 3.30. Don’t know how accurate it is (7 January 1985 – 03:30. Stevenage). I wondered about his chances of an 8th championship? Max Verstappen who is biggest rival won championship at the last minute yesterday born September 30, 1997, 1:20 PM Hasselt (Belgium). Thanks if you do.

  5. Having read about Jimi Hendrix reminded me of my suspicions on the supposed suicide of the actor Peter Duell. My main suspicions concerned the fact that the gun was found on the floor next to him. It is generally understood that the gun should have still been in his hand as the trigger would have prevented him from dropping it.

    There are other reasons as well. I believe it is common for agents and managers to insure their clients, should they die. Peter died before the end of the tax year having sacked his manager. His on / off girlfriend was allegedly heard on the phone being told it had to look like murder for him to collect the insurance. She was obviously not keen to go down that route. It is understood he dumped her because he had fallen in love with Kim Darby.

    And then there are the dogs: absolutely no barking whatsoever! Evidently they were known for being noisy. It always looked like a cover-up, I would be curious what you could find out from his chart.

  6. Good morning Marjorie
    Now that we have all the candidates for the French presidential election ( with top 4 Macron, Le Pen, Pécresse and Zemmour), given the high stakes involved (some say that, if France doesn’t reform, the country is dead), the polls saying that Macron will almost certainly win re-election, and Jupiter conjunct Neptune between the two rounds, would you care to have a look at what lies ahead ?
    Thank you very much if you do.

  7. Marjorie,

    Now that the French Republican Party have selected Valerie Pecresse to stand for them in next year’s Presidential election is there any chance you could review the known candidates chances for the first round (April 10th 2022) and second round (April 24th) in the French election.

    Most commentators in UK are assuming that Macron will do it but I have my doubts given the state of flux French politics is in right now with Zemmour and LePen causing trouble. Could a known or even a dark horse candidate still win?
    Plus with the new President officially taking over from May 13th could this be the source of tension you posted recently, starting in May 2022, between the new German government and France?

  8. Bob Dole – US politician – died a few days ago. I always appreciate your write-ups and insight on the people who were regularly in the news when I was growing but had little interest in at the time.

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