Lewis Hamilton – the slings and arrows of outrage

Lewis Hamilton, the Formula 1 racing driver, had the momentum to win the recent Abu Dhabi championship race and was closing in on his eighth title, which would have made him the most decorated F1 driver in history. Instead there was what was described as “a capricious decision by race stewards to allow five lapped cars to overtake the safety car on the penultimate lap. Their intervention ensured that Hamilton’s lead was overhauled by Max Verstappen, driving with fresh tyres. It transformed a thrilling contest into farce.”

  Instead of throwing a tantrum, he graciously congratulated Max Verstappen, though the decision is being appealed. At present Hamilton is signed up to Mercedes until 2023.

  He was born 7 January 1985 at 3.30am (biography) in Stevenage, England and grew up with divorced parents, started racing early and as the only black competitor suffered a good deal of racist abuse.

  He has an ambitious and successful Sun Jupiter in Capricorn and was born at the time of the Full Moon in Cancer (split parents) and the opposition is sextile/trine an obsessively conscientious Saturn in Scorpio. He’s also got a 12th house Pluto in an ultra-determined and courageous trine to a passionately enthusiastic Mars Venus in Pisces; with Mars in a high-octane square to Uranus.

  Those who have raced beside him for years say they don’t really know what makes him tick and one commentator described him as “an outlier amongst outliers” so his tricky childhood would have given him a defensive shell. His Saturn on the Ascendant will also make him seem shut off.

  He has lost the super-successful tr Pluto conjunct his Jupiter and before that Sun/Jupiter midpoint which made his recent years so fortunate. Next year looks the usual muddle of highs and glitches. Though tr Jupiter moving into his 4th might suggest (birth time being accurate) that he’ll want to slow down and relax more ahead.

 Max Verstappen, 30 September 1997 1.20pm Hasselt, Belgium, the present Formula One champion, is the son of a racing driver and the youngest to compete in formula one races.  He has an ambitious 10th house Libra Sun trine an adventurous and lucky Jupiter Uranus, in a wide sextile to a ruthlessly determined Mars Pluto in Sagittarius. His Virgo Moon Mercury are trine Neptune, sextile Venus in Scorpio – practical and charming.

  His Mars Pluto square Hamilton’s Venus Mars in Pisces so not much love lost there but it is a highly competitive sport so no surprises there.  

11 thoughts on “Lewis Hamilton – the slings and arrows of outrage

  1. I have no interest in F1 racing, but Lewis appears to be an incredibly dedicated sportsman.
    Like any great athlete, he stuck to the old truism: “Win with grace, lose with dignity.”

    His defeat will be tempered by his knighthood a very short time later. In itself, that is another considerable victory.

    Good luck to him.

  2. Appreciate the reading Marjorie. But can we get more details on how the Astro compares for both of them in the next 2 years and is there any sign of the result being overturned before March next year?

  3. Marjorie, a 12th house Mars pluto conjunction. Would it be fair say there’s a need to assert dominance and aggression via hidden or secret means?

  4. Many thanks Marjorie for posting this. I hope that he does give it a go to try and beat Schumacher’s seven world titles. Ironic that the driver who crashed which resulted in the safety car coming out was battling for position with Michael Schumacher’s son Mick. Michael Schumacher also a Capricorn with full moon in cancer, with the houses reversed (moon in 3rd as opposed to Lewis moon in 9th). Both drivers have always been applauded for their ability to race well in wet conditions. I wonder if that is a sixth sense with the cancer moon?

  5. I used to watch Formula 1 with my husband and son during the time of Damon Hill and Michael Schumacher. To be honest it was always more interesting to see who were the last six rather than the first. I am somewhat the same about tennis. Who wants to see a boring match where all the men do is serve? A proper battle is far more interesting in any sport!

  6. It was an horrific end to what should have been a deserved race win for Hamilton. He’d been incredibly strong right up the fateful penultimate lap last Sunday. The bizarre and capricious up-ending of the rule-book so as to engineer a Verstappen f1 victory will likely change racing fans perception of F1 moving forwards

    • Verstappen won because (having a natal Mars/Pluto conj, which means fight to the death) his team brought him in for fresh tyres – Lewis was by that time on old tyres and could not manage to stay ahead of Verstappen. I always felt, looking at his chart with tr Jupiter moving away from an exact conj with Pluto that Hamilton should have retired at the end of last season, but being greedy for the eighth championship win to beat Shumachers total of 7 – his prospects are not so good if he decides to stay on next year – – he will be 37 – old for a F! champion.

      • ‘greedy” ? Aren’t all competitors “greedy”? It’s entirely natural that a supreme contender like Lewis Hamilton, should aspire or want to achieve the ultimate, when he was so close to doing so. Like you, without the astrologicals, I felt that it was probably a step too far. Shame though.

  7. I am not a fan or follower of F1 racing but it has been so for many years that quite early in the season it was fairly predictable who (which team) would win. I have a suspicion that there has been some behind the scenes manipulation of events this season to make it ‘more exciting’ and attract a larger following. I don’t think the drivers are in on it, but I have the feeling that Hamilton has worked out for himself what is going on (hence his laidback reaction). The last few races have been truly bizarre with the results skewed almost every time by ‘outisde forces’ which magically serve to keep everyone guessing what the outcome will be. Coincidence? I think not. Call me a cynic, if you will.

  8. Interesting to see the November eclipse appearing on Hamilton’s Nodes and opposing Saturn. Followed by the next one in May 2022, conjunct that Saturn and S Node, something quite fateful about it isn’t there? Certainly I think something or other was “eclipsed” during this race. I did wonder about another betting scandal too. There’ve been a few already.

    • I forgot about the eclips! That is such ann interesting angle, especially with all these rumours about the races being manipulated. The eclips was at 12 degrees Sagittarius, exactly trine Max’s natal Jupiter…

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