Carey Mulligan – mistaking her raison d’etre

A luvvie having a hissy fit is always light relief from the encircling gloom and angst. Except in the following instance it may have resulted in a decent film critic losing his job for no other reason than doing what he was paid for. Dennis Harvey writing for Variety suggested – shock horror – that Carey Mulligan might not have been the best fit for her role in Promising Young Woman, while at the same time commending her performance as “skilful and entertaining.”

  She took umbrage at the thought he was saying she was not hot enough to pull off the role and took that as an inappropriate slur for 2020.

  A talented actress with awards for various performances including Shame, Collateral, Wildlife, The Great Gatsby, she seemed to be suggesting that her looks were not relevant in her profession and should not invite comment. Which is so off the scale for idiocy it hardly bears saying. Both sexes, genders whatever and the myriad inbetweeners, are hired on the basis of their looks.

  Vanity Fair issue an apology for which they should be ashamed and the critic has now spoken out to defend himself.

   My first thought was – she has a fragile ego. And lo and behold she has a Gemini Sun on the focal point of a Yod to Pluto sextile Neptune.  Such a Sun starts off life with low self-esteem, a sense of inferiority and a difficulty establishing a strong sense of identity. But as with all quincunxes, especially Yods, there is a swing between under-confidence and over-confidence – too little will power and then too much.

  This very public intervention evidently coincided with the Oscars run up and hadn’t been mentioned as an issue before. But she may come to regret being advised to air the gripe since she’s running into a panicky, undermining tr Neptune square her Mars from mid March through till mid April just before the Oscars, so there could be a backlash.  She has two very mild Jupiterian influences over April 25th and the Oscars ceremony, but that’s all. 2022 looks a more upbeat year for her.     

Ursula von der Leyen – bully tactic backfires

Ursula von der Leyen, the European Commission President, is facing calls to resign after a botched handling of the vaccine shortage issue. The EU made the mistake of centralising the order for the entire bloc rather than leaving individual countries to proceed at their own pace and were late to the party. Then when the manufacturers plead production problems in shortfalls on delivery she demanded AstraZeneca stop supplying the UK. A deluge of criticism forced her to U-turn.

   Her Term chart, 1 December 2019 has an explosive Mars opposition Uranus as well as a limp and impractical Sun square Neptune. Tr Saturn has been squaring the Uranus and then the Mars in February; with tr Uranus having a final opposition to the Mars also in February which leads to high insecurity resulting in macho gestures to prop up self-esteem which often backfire. The fireworks will run on.

  Her time as Minister for Defence in Germany was generally regarded as a failure with domestic criticism for her leadership style, reliance on outside consultants, and continued gaps in military readiness. A report for the German Parliament concluded about the military under her administration – “There is neither enough personnel nor material, and often one confronts shortage upon shortage.”

  The domestic consensus was that her party would be happy to see her go to Brussels and Merkel was a cheerleader there for her. remarked, “What the rest of Europe gets out of the bargain is another question.”

  Born 8 October 1958 in Brussels, with a civil servant then politician father, she qualified as a doctor and has seven children. She has a diplomatic and cool Libra Sun Mercury sextile Saturn in Sagittarius; with a do-or-die-determined Mars square Pluto; and a head-in-the-clouds Neptune Jupiter in Scorpio.

   For someone under heavy pressure for a cataclysmic series of mis-steps she has a good deal of upbeat Jupiter sprinkled about through this year, along it would have to be said with some confusion. 2022/23 look more of an uphill struggle with 2024 running both her personal and her EU Admin chart into the buffers.

See previous Posts: July 17 2019 and December 10 2019.

Ivanka Trump – eyeing up her chances

Ivanka Trump, having ridden on her father coat tails for four years – and found her business interests dragged down by the taint of the Trump name – is now in a quandary about her political ambitions, with him still professing an interest in a 2024 run. And she’ll almost certainly be embroiled in some of the plethora of pending cases involving Trump Organization finances.

  She will be champing at the bit since this is a pushily confident year for her with tr Pluto square her Jupiter and Pluto this month and again August to late November; with an all-systems-change tr Uranus opposition her Scorpio Sun next month. She will have some luck this May and again December and February 202 from one of her Jupiter midpoints. But there are also a good many mountains to climb and peat bogs to wade through with a discouraging tr Pluto square her Sun/Saturn midpoint late this February, on and off to late 2022. With a car-crash setback sometime this year from Solar Arc Mars conjunct her Saturn.

 2022 looks a seriously undermining year with major losses and uncertainty from tr Neptune opposition her Mars/Saturn midpoint.

  Her Solar Returns (without a birth time) have trapped and frustrating if not downright scary Mars Pluto squares from birthday 2020 for a year, birthday 2021 for a year; and birthday 2024 for a year – that last being an even more road-blocked Mars opposition Pluto. 2022 looks over-hopeful; 2023 is confident and materialistic.

 The November 2022 elections will see her in downbeat mood. 

Arnie Hammer – from romantic drama to gothic horror

Actor Arnie Hammer – Call Me By Your Name, The Social Network etc – is being hit with a deluge of bizarre allegations about BDSM, cannibalism and rape fantasies. Various ex-girlfriends have also spoken out about his disregard for consent and inappropriate behaviour.  Hot denials are flying.

  He was born 28 August 1986 1.16 am Los Angeles, and has a 3rd house Virgo Sun trine a 7th house Neptune and sextile a 5th house Pluto in Scorpio, as well as square Saturn. His Sun will make him quick-witted and communicative; a 7th house Neptune is evasive when it comes to commitment in one-to-one relationships; and Pluto in the 5th is attention-demanding and controlling with romantic partners (and children). He also has Mars in Capricorn in his 7th in a can-be-insensitive square to Venus. And he has a wayward Gemini Moon in the 12th opposition Uranus square Jupiter on his Midheaven.  There’s nothing too gruesome or brutal about his chart though I could see fidelity being a problem.

  Given the gothic nature of the fantasies – if true – they sound truly psychotic. He does have his Sun square and his Saturn conjunct his Neptune/Pluto midpoint which will certainly give rise to self-torment, succumbing to strange influences, dark forebodings.

  He has had the triple conjunction moving through his 8th recently with tr Pluto hovering on the cusp now which will have produced a potential for exploring murky depths.  Though if true it sounds as if it has been going on for years. The control factor will come from Pluto with the insensitivity to other’s needs from Venus in hard aspect to Mars.

  He has recently separated from his wife of 10 years Elizabeth Chambers, 18 August 1982 San Antonio, Tx, who is a New Moon in Leo but more significantly has an intense Jupiter Mars in Scorpio conjunct his Pluto so it would be passionate at the start but that is a very tricky interface.  Her Saturn was conjunct his Venus and square his Mars; and her Uranus conjunct his Saturn and square his Sun. It would be fractious in the extreme and it’s hardly surprising it didn’t last.

  Tr Neptune is moving across his Midheaven and Jupiter now and thence through his 10th house for years ahead which might not be a disaster in the film business. But added onto a trapped tr Pluto moving through his 8th also for many years ahead, he does look fairly stuck.

Schumer, Pelosi, McConnell – snakes and ladders ++ McCarthy

New brooms in Washington will bring changes though with only a slender majority in the Senate perhaps not as many as the progressives would like.

  Chuck Schumer, 23 November 1950 11 am (from memory) New York, is the Senate Majority leader. He’s a charming Sun Venus in Sagittarius with a few obstacles and disappointments ahead this year as well as some bountiful patches this month and late year.  The panics will set in late March to mid April, and again September/October and January/February 2022 with tr Neptune square his Sun/Mars midpoint. Mid to late 2022 he’s on a downer with his Solar Arc Saturn conjunct his Mercury;  though he should be back in gear through 2023/24 with tr Pluto sextile his Sun. If his birth time is accurate then tr Saturn is now moving through his lower-profile First Quadrant for several years ahead, so he won’t be at his most vibrant or successful.  His relationship with Joe Biden will racket around from this spring onwards with the tr Uranus square tr Saturn hitting on the composite Moon Jupiter and Pluto.

   Nancy Pelosi, Speaker in the House of Representatives, 25 March 1940, no verified time, Baltimore, MD, is a pro-active and determined Aries Sun trine Pluto with a Scorpio Moon and a formidable four planets spread out through Taurus. She looks aggravated and stressed with tr Pluto trine her Mars now and through this year, with some losses, slog-on patches and a disaster or two in mid June to early July, October and early 2022 when tr Uranus is conjunct her Mars/Saturn midpoint. So not all plain sailing.

  Mitch McConnell, 20 February 1942, ousted as Senate Majority Leader, was a Trump enabler, only turning on him after the Capitol attacks, and has now swallowed his bile to curry favour with the pro-Trump supporters. He’s a Sun Pisces with, like Pelosi, four planets in Taurus. He’s being rattled  around this year by tr Uranus square tr Saturn hitting his Mercury – so there will be high tension outbursts and some discouragement, gloom and panic. There’s nothing cheerful about his transits this year. He’ll find his mojo from early 2022 through 2023 but runs into Saturnine blocks in late 2022 and 2024.

  His relationship with Trump is in upheaval this February and dipping further from late May onwards. And his relationship with his wife Elaine Chao is in for an exceptionally rocky ride from this March onwards.

Add On: Kevin McCarthy, the Republican Minority Leader in Congress, 26 January 1965, Bakersfield, CA, having repudiated Trump over the Capitol attacks is now licking his feet again.  He’s a Sun Aquarius with an Earth Grand Trine of Uranus Pluto trine Jupiter in Taurus trine Mercury Venus in Capricorn, with his Jupiter opposition Neptune – very materialistic, slippery or delusional with such an emphasised Neptune.

   The opportunistic ties that bind him to Trump will start to loosen from mid March onwards. And the same goes for the Republican Party whose relations with their erstwhile leader will take a turn for the worse from March onwards as well, worsening in 2022, perhaps when Trump”s personal woes become more apparent – debts, criminal case etc etc etc.

   McCarthy’s personal chart points to a fair crop of disasters and catastrophes this year late March to mid April, early September to mid October and early 2022. But with some successes also, on and off through 2022 as well. Over the Mid Terms in 2022 he does have a lucky-break tr Uranus conjunct his Jupiter and a couple of other minor success-bearers, as well as a Saturnine downer or two.  The tr Uranus square tr Saturn hits his driving rod Jupiter opposition Neptune almost exactly for highs and lows.

Italian politics – the only constant is change ++ Italexit?

Italian politics is back in Circus Maximus mode with Matteo Renzi living up to his youthful nickname “Rottamatore” (the Wrecker), bringing down Giuseppe Conti’s government by pulling out of the ruling coalition. Thereby making himself even less popular than before. Round and round they go, now aiming for the country’s 67th government since the war.

  Renzi’s raison d’etre was to object to the handling of the pandemic, with Italy having one of the highest rates of infection and numbers of deaths (comparative to population) in the world.

  The Italy 17 March 1961 Turin chart is has been logjammed through 2020 with Solar Arc Saturn square the Pluto and heavily disrupted by tr Uranus conjunct the Pluto; with ominous signs ahead of major confusion and uncertainty in 2023. That is echoed in the Italy 10 June 1946 chart which has the end of an undermining run of tr Neptune square Sun next month and upheaval from tr Uranus square the Pluto in April; but much worse in 2022/23 from Solar Arc Saturn conjunct Neptune followed by Solar Arc Neptune opposition the Sun and Solar Arc Pluto square Saturn.

  The Bank of Italy chart, 10 August 1893, is highly strung now and in considerable disarray come late 2022 into 2023.

  Of the main political contenders at the moment:

Matteo Renzi, 11 January 1975 2.45pm Florence, is facing failure from late April onwards, on and off till early 2023 with tr Neptune square his Mars; though he’ll buck up somewhat from early 2022 with tr Pluto conjunct his Sun/Jupiter midpoint running for two years thereafter.

Giuseppe Conte, 8 August 1964 2.30 Volturara Appula, Italy, has tr Neptune conjunct his Midheaven within weeks, extending over the next two years which is limp, lacklustre and not usually successful. Plus a frustratingly trapped tr Pluto opposition his Sun/Mars running on for the next few weeks and around till late this year; with hiccups and disasters over the next two months.  

  Matteo Salvini, 9 March 1973 10.50pm Milan, has Neptunian afflictions through this year but is the only one looking upbeat next month and December with a successful tr Pluto conjunct his Mars/Jupiter.

 Giorgia Meloni, 15 January 1977, 6pm Rome, has a challenging tr Pluto conjunct her Capricorn Sun in February and again late year; and a disappointing tr Neptune conjunct her Sun/Jupiter from late May onwards till early 2023. She does have some rays of sunshine this year and lucky breaks in April, May and January 2022. 2022/23 looks like fairly disastrous years for her.  

Add On: A recent poll showed more support for Italy to leave the EU. Though whether that would hold if it ever came to a referendum which would expose the gargantuan costs to Italy of repaying debt and exiting the euro. Long term yes, their own currency would make exporting more profitable but it’s doubtful if they could stand the transitional pain.

  It would be a much bigger issue than Brexit because Italy is a member of the euro currency union and the third largest economy in the eurozone, behind Germany and France. It would be “complicated enough to threaten the survival of the single currency.”  

  That being said there do look to be a good many ructions ahead from late this spring onwards, exacerbating through 2022 with the tr Uranus square tr Saturn hitting on the EU/Italy 1861 Mercury, then Sun, which could well point to a significant rupture. 2022/23 look very discouraging for relations between Italy and the EU. The EU/Italy 1946 relationship chart isn’t as stressed but points to 2023 and 2024 as years of upheaval and massive uncertainty.

Gordon Brown – an oddly hybrid personality

Gordon Brown, former Chancellor and PM, has stuck his head above the parapet indicating he’ll play a part in any debates about Scottish independence, following his 2014 interventions arguing to uphold the union.

  He’s been low profile since giving up his Westminster seat in 2015 and though touted for a few high profile economic jobs has stayed off the publicity radar, although lending his support to child poverty and other campaigns.  His time as Chancellor 1997 to 2007 under Tony Blair oversaw major reform of Britain’s monetary and fiscal policies, the longest period of sustained economic growth in UK history, and mounting debt. As PM, he introduced rescue packages in 2008 and 2009 to help keep the banks afloat during the global financial crisis, dramatically increasing result the national debt. His premiership was regarded as a failure with his temperament unsuited to high office. An ex-Treasury civil servant described him as ruthless and Stalinist in approach.

  Born 20 February 1951 8.40 am Glasgow, Scotland, he has a see-saw and oddly disjointed chart. His 12th house Pisces Sun shares this hidden self-protective chart area with Jupiter, North Node, Venus and Mars also in Pisces in the 12th. His Venus Mars oppose Saturn in Libra with Saturn square Uranus on his IC – so he will be autocratic, not practising what he preaches with Saturn Uranus; and prone to setbacks and a short fuse from Mars Saturn. His Saturn in the 6th also indicates some health issues and he does have eyesight problems. All of that might have added up to a retiring, backroom or creative personality. But he’s also got an attention-demanding Moon Pluto in Leo in his 5th house opposition Mercury in Aquarius. This will give him a tendency to be ego-centred, and also contemptuous, stubborn and bullying.

He’s a highly complex man who discovered much like Boris that gaining his long dreamt of crown didn’t suit him after all.

  Odd that both he and Boris fervently wished for the top spot for years (decades) and then when they got it the ceiling fell on their heads. Brown got the 2008 crash and Boris got the pandemic.  And both have afflicted Mars in aspect to Saturn and Uranus – in Boris’s case his Mars also ties into Pluto.

   Brown is up and down (like most people) in the immediate future with undermining Neptune transits to his Mars Venus this year and next. But his Solar Arc Jupiter picking up the tr Pluto trine will keep him buoyant and his Solar Arc MC is conjunct his Jupiter late 2022/early 2023 which looks like a successful phase. That coincides with tr Jupiter moving across his Ascendant in 2023 for a revival of confidence. So who knows he might manage to be on the winning side of keeping the union together.

Pic: Andrew “Skuds” Skudder

Janet Yellen – handed a heavy baton

Janet Yellen, former chair of the Federal Reserve, has been confirmed as the first ever female US treasury secretary in a bi-partisan Senate vote of 84–15. As such she will be responsible for guiding the economic response to the pandemic. When at the Federal Reserve she was known for focusing attention on the impact of bank policies on workers and the costs of America’s rising inequality.

  Born 13 August 1946 (6 days before Bill Clinton), in New York, no birth time, she was an over-achiever from the start, having an illustrious academic career before moving into government advisory roles.

  She has a Leo Sun on the focal point of a mini-Grand Trine of Jupiter trine Uranus, so she is lucky as well as talented and not averse to taking risks. She also has Pluto, Mercury and Saturn in Leo sextile Mars, Venus, Neptune in Libra – determined, ambitious, enthusiastic and charming. Her Moon is either Aquarius or Pisces.

  This year’s economically challenging tr Uranus in Taurus square tr Saturn in Aquarius Leo will shake up her Pluto which will make for a disruptive few months from late March and especially May onwards into 2022.

  It would be a high stress job at the best of times so difficult influences are to be expected. But this year does look exceptionally challenging with some high hopes dashed with tr Neptune opposition her Sun/Jupiter midpoint from this March on and off into 2022. Later in 2022 will be nerve-stretched and again with hints of financially deflating circumstances.

Katie Price – anguish over a special needs child

Katie Price, former glamour model turned media personality and businesswoman, once worth £40 million and now bankrupt, has been talking on television (where else) about the anguish of having her eighteen year old son Harvey sent off to a residential care college. He was born with a rare genetic disorder affecting his eyesight, autism and Prader-Willi syndrome which can cause learning difficulties and behavioural problems. He has the cognitive age of a seven year old and is twenty stone. He is unable to control his weight, requires 24-hour care and his autism can lead to meltdowns when he becomes distressed and angry.

  Whatever you think about her, her chaotic love life and tendency to star in her own reality show, she’s cared for her son and several other children. She says “I hated him going to residential. I cried. But I was at crisis point. It was affecting the other kids, it was the danger-zone for him, smashing the house up. He needs to have his independence and I think he’ll enjoy it – make friends. I want him to be in a room with his mates while he plays the keyboard and sings his songs.”

  The move depends on local authority funding for the likely cost of £300,000 to £350,000 a year for a full time, all-year round residential student with high health care needs.

  Harvey was born 27 May 2002 at 1.15am (newspaper report), London, and like his mother is a Sun Gemini and like her also has Venus in Cancer, in his case in the playful 5th house. He has a tough Saturn North Node in the 4th opposition Moon Pluto in the 10th so he has not been short of challenges and restrictions in his life.

   His Mars in Gemini in his 5th will make him expressive when it comes to anger and his Mars is trine Uranus which has a hint of volatility.  His Uranus and Neptune in Aquarius in his 1st and conjunct his Ascendant will add to his fairly highly strung temperament with 6 Air Planets and an outspoken Sagittarius Moon.

 Katie was born 22 May 1978, no birth time, and hasn’t been short of difficulties either with a Mars Saturn conjunction in Leo, which will have attracted her to tricky partners and car-crash situations. But she’s also got a pushily confident Jupiter square Pluto and in an adventurous trine to Uranus, so she’s never lacked guts even when her common sense was lacking.  

  She’s not an ideal match for Harvey with her Mars Saturn opposition his Neptune Uranus, but she’s never been backward about displaying her affection for him and insisting that others accept him for who he is.   

  The father Dwight Yorke, 3 November 1971, a Trinidadian footballer, has never been in the picture and wasn’t a good match for either Katie or Harvey. He’s a Sun Scorpio with Saturn in Gemini conjunct both their Suns and his Saturn opposes Neptune Venus Jupiter square Mars in Aquarius. With his Mars conjunct Harvey’s Uranus, so he wouldn’t be much help.