Sajid Javid – handed a herculean task

Sajid Javid has been made the new Health Secretary. He was formerly Home Secretary and latterly Chancellor until he resigned after disagreements with Boris about his independence in the role following a stand-off with bully-boy Dom Cummings.

   He was born 5 December 1969 in Rochdale, England with immigrant parents, had a comprehensive school education followed by provincial university and then a sparkling career in banking in New York and with Deutsche Bank, earning gzillions.

  He’s a Sun Sagittarius with a confident and adventurous Jupiter in Libra (and Moon) trine Mars in Aquarius, sextiling onto Mercury in outspoken Sagittarius. His Mercury is also in an intense and determined square to Pluto. It’s a chart that really needs a birth time to pull it together.

  His Sun will be in the line of fire from this coming December’s Solar Eclipse which will be challenging. But he does have a super-confident tr Pluto square his Jupiter from early 2022 till late 2023 which will help as he takes on the herculean task of overseeing the end of the pandemic and then catching up on the backlog of neglected health cases and overseeing reforms moving ahead. Where he looks less ebullient will be 2023/4.

  His relationship with Boris isn’t great at the best of times and is sliding and slipping through 2021/2022. He’ll be jousting with Michael Gove for supremacy as well with a few clashes.

  There’s positive and negative on his interface with the NHS as his Jupiter is trine the NHS Mercury, Uranus, Venus and Moon and his Mercury is conjunct the NHS Jupiter. But his Uranus is conjunct the NHS Neptune and square the NHS Cancer Sun and his Pluto is conjunct the NHS Mars and squares their Gemini planets – so there will be a fair amount of pushing and pulling, and resistance internally.

  The NHS is in a swampy phase with tr Neptune opposition the Mars, now till early 2023, and opposition the Venus, Uranus, Mercury until Neptune moves out of Pisces in 2025; with major bumps on the road from tr Uranus square tr Saturn hitting on the Pluto Saturn in Leo.

  Brexit hasn’t helped with curbs on foreign workers coming in on whom the NHS rely. And then there is the political hot potato which to date no one has dared to tackle – making people pay for at least part of their treatment. Most of Europe works on a basis of part state funded, part private insurance funded. Apart from anything else it would stop nuisance visits to GPs/A&E hospital units from time wasters.  

Trump family cracks – failure is an orphan

The shine has worn off the Trump family brand with even Ivanka and Jared reportedly jumping overboard after catching flak over the January 6th outrage. Senior’s inability to let go his obsessive grievance and his hours-a-day ranting over ‘a stolen election’ is also evidently grating. Plus he’s jealous about Kushner’s “seven-figure” book deal and fears he’ll claim credit for pa-in-law’s achievements. Last but not least the Manhattan district attorney is circling the wagons with the first suggestion of possible criminal charges against the Trump Organization. The initial sally, which sounds minor enough, will put the spotlight on CFO Allen Weisselberg, whom they are trying to turn.

   The relationship charts between Trump and both Ivanka and Jared indicate there is the start of year-long phase of hyper-anxiety, confusion and paralysis from July 7th with tr Uranus opposition the composite Neptune in both – even more jarring for Jared since that forms part of the composite Yod with his father-in-law. That Yod always hinted at two things – a relationship that would irrevocably change the lives of both and an underlying ego-battle where only one could win. That influence runs on and off into May 2022.

  This covers the time when Trump’s personal chart goes into financial and career meltdown. He has the chaotic, scandal-prone and physically undermining tr Pluto conjunct his Sun/Neptune midpoint July to mid August and again this December. Then he has two poleaxing Solar Arcs – his Solar Arc Saturn conjunct his 2nd house Neptune and his Solar Arc Neptune opposing his 10th house Uranus. They will both come exact in three months though can trigger early. From late this July tr Neptune returns to square his Sun and then retrogrades in aspect to his Moon and back again until March 2022. Returning with one final hit to his Sun in November 2022 to January 2023.  Plus the tr Uranus square tr Saturn is hitting on his Pluto and calamitous Mars/Saturn midpoint through this year into early 2022.

  There’s clearly more than ripples running through the family with the composite Suns of Ivanka with Don Jnr and Eric and even Jared all catching the upcoming December Sagittarius Eclipse head on – and that usually points to a crisis or two in the months after.

 Ivanka this year is still picking up the super-confident tr Pluto square her Jupiter though it could push her to take unnecessary risks which end up in conflict with authority figures. But she’s still having a discouraging uphill struggle with worse in 2022/23/24 when she runs in disasters and failures. Jared will also hit acute frustrations and aggravations in 2023/24.

 Weisselberg, 15 August 1947, is into his bumpiest patch for years with the tr Uranus square tr Saturn hitting on his Pluto Saturn in Leo this year. He’s pretty rock solid and has shown no sign so far of flipping on Trump but their relationship chart is showing signs of acute stress this year with much much worse come 2022/23.  

See previous post February 28 2021.

Matt Hancock – defying political gravity

The manifest failings of health secretary Matt Hancock have always been in plain sight – screw ups over PPE for health workers, and cronyism over contracts, Covid-infected hospital patients dumped back in care homes and a test-and-trace system that didn’t work. All of which caught him in Dom Cummings’ crosshairs and he was scud-missiled with an expose of Boris’s contempt for his abilities. All of which begged the question why is he still there? To which the answer was simple – he is Boris’s human shield, to deflect and soak up criticism.

  Whether this latest embarrassment – a “steamy clinch” with Gina Coladangelo, the lobbyist and long-term friend he took on as an aide last year (initially undeclared), who was subsequently given a paid non-executive directorship at the Department of Health, will be the final straw that broke the camel’s back is moot. And that last sentence contains at least three political transgressions that should bin him for good.

  There are conflicting views about what comes next. Some say No 10 would worry he might tell his own version of the past two years if freed of ministerial responsibility. Others despair that if he stays the government is seen as sleazy, hypocritical and arrogant –  one rule for them and another for the rest of us.

  Hancock born 2 October 1978 is a New Moon, Mercury, Pluto in Libra with an ultra-determined, risk-taking, seductive (and vengeful) Venus, Uranus, Mars in Scorpio. His Jupiter in flamboyant Leo is in an opportunistic square to Mars which in turn is exactly in opposition to Chiron. That hardly suits him for his present role but the emphasised Jupiter may explain his Teflonesque abilities to survive in the face of repeated failures.

   Within a few days tr Uranus will oppose his Uranus for his mid life crisis which may upend his life and ambitions; plus a panicky/confused/devastated tr Saturn square his Sun/Neptune midpoint now and square his Mars/Uranus midpoint also from July 7th, which latter can accompany a violent separation.

  That coincides with tr Uranus squaring the composite North Node and Mercury on his relationship chart with Boris, which is surprisingly competitive, with hints of power struggles, and backs up the notion that he would be a risk if dumped onto the back benches.  He’s not quite the bland nonentity he looks. Whatever happens he’s in for a shockingly bad 2022/23 with tr Pluto square his Mars/Pluto and Saturn/Neptune midpoints.

Charlene & Albert – trials and tribulations

Princess Charlene of Monaco is in a tumultuous year with her husband Prince Albert facing yet another paternity suit (denied) to add to his two previous illegitimate children. In addition she has been suffering from complications to a severe ear, nose and throat infection which has kept her in her native South Africa since January, though Albert and their twin children have visited her.

  It was always a marriage predicted to hit the skids after a respectable interval having produced an heir, with the bride in tears at the wedding, supposedly having bolted just before and always looking sad since.

  Their relationship chart is exceptionally stressed with a composite one-sided, unfair-treatment composite Mars Saturn conjunct Moon and trine Sun; with the Sun inconjunct Uranus and Mercury inconjunct Pluto. Admittedly the Sun is opposition Jupiter for superficial largesse and square Neptune giving it an ethereal aura but it was always going to end in disappointment.

  The ties that bind are starting to unravel this year with tr Neptune opposition the composite Pluto and aggravating challenges will mount through 2022 to 2025 as tr Pluto squares the composite Saturn, then Mars, then Moon. It won’t be a harmonious split with the children no doubt being a major stumbling block.

  Charlene, a charming Sun Venus in Aquarius with a Leo Moon  does have her marriage-significator Sun/Moon midpoint showing signs of separation and marital upsets throughout this year into early 2022; with emotional and family upheavals from mid 2022 onwards as tr Uranus squares her 4th house Moon.  Intriguingly she has tr Uranus crossing her Ascendant and moving through her 1st house from this year onwards for seven years ahead – Princess Diana had similar when she made her bid for freedom.  And Charlene has also been making radical statements with her appearance, sporting a very un-Princess-like shaved hair-cut.

  Prince Albert, a downbeat and Saturnine Pisces with a hidden Capricorn Moon has been in a trapped phase since his 2011 marriage, a belated affair in his fifties so clearly not his favoured state, with tr Pluto moving through his 8th.  Pluto will conjunct his 8th house Mars from early 2022 to late 2023 which will be depressing and totally road-blocked emotionally, financially and psychologically; and even before then tr Neptune is in an undermining conjunction to his Sun exactly now repeating to early 2023 and will move to square his 7th house Saturn from mid 2022 onwards.   

Hong Kong – crushed by broken promises ++ Xi Jinping

Hong Kong’s last remaining free-speech outlet has been suppressed as Beijing exerted maximum political pressure on the most outspoken and popular newspaper Apple Daily. The assets were frozen, the founder and chairman, Jimmy Lai, is in prison on national security charges and a welter of public order offences and six staff have been arrested on suspicion of collusion with foreign powers to endanger national security. After Lai’s arrest, the company’s stock price surged 1,000% in two days. After the money tap was turned off, for its final issue, a million were printed, ten times more than normal, and Hong Kongers were queuing up to buy a copy.

   There’s not much to add to last year’s post, see below.  Hong Kong is facing a phase of several years ahead of loss of control and confusion as tr Pluto is conjunct the Solar Arc Midheaven this year and next and then the Neptune come 2023/24. Relations with China will worsen from this year through till 2024 and beyond with tr Pluto square the composite Neptune this year and opposition the Mars in 2023/24 when aggravation will be at its peak. 2024/2025/26 will be high-tension years with tr Pluto in hard aspect to the composite Saturn and Uranus.

  China itself is due a revolution or major disruptive upheaval through 2022/23 with tr Pluto conjunct the China 1912 Uranus. Xi Jinping’s 2nd term chart, 24 October 2017 12.30pm, is also about to undergo a turnaround with Solar Arc Uranus opposition the Sun in mid 2022, but there is Jupiterian unearned good luck in there which may make the turbulence less damaging. Though there is also an uncertain tr Neptune square the Term Saturn now until early 2023.

  Even if Xi Jinping fell off his perch there’s no saying any replacement would be better.

  The Apple Daily chart, 20 June 1995, does have a Yod of Pluto sextile Neptune Uranus inconjunct a Gemini Sun which in turn squares Saturn – so it was always destined to be the one who walked alone and be regretful about the past. There is devastation and muddle written over its chart this year and for the next three years. I suppose it is too much to hope it might be revived in some form on the internet. Though journalism is becoming a dangerous occupation in the territory.

 Xi Jinping was born 15 June 1953 (wiki) and is a Gemini with his Sun trine Neptune Saturn and sextile Pluto – so fitting into the megalomaniac, super-ambitious mould with Sun Neptune Pluto (see post below) and control-freaky as well with a focal point Pluto.

  His Sun is conjunct Mars in Cancer making him assertive and emotionally volatile. Saturn Neptune can give him the impetus to work towards a better society though can also be neurotic/paranoid and in square to Uranus can be autocratic and fanatical. Tr Neptune is opposing his Sun now, on and off till early 2023 which will be indecisive and lacklustre. He has a catastrophic Pluto transit to a Mars midpoint through this July to mid August and again through this December. And mid October 2021 to mid January 2022 there’s another slipping and slithering disaster.  Late 2022/early 2023 he’ll get a considerable jolt from his Solar Arc Uranus square his Sun which reflects the turmoil and disturbances on his Term chart. With 2023/4 looking especially fraught. But running a country the size of China will bring running crises and he lived through several in 2018/2019 when his Solar Arc Saturn and Neptune opposed his Sun – and survived those.

  Where his relationship chart with China is showing strain is around 2025 with tr Neptune and Saturn conjunct the composite Sun and tr Pluto is opposition the composite Saturn.

Previous post: AUGUST 10 2020

Jimmy Lai, Hong Kong media tycoon and staunch pro-democracy activist has been arrested by under suspicion of colluding with foreign forces. It is the most high-profile arrest since Beijing’s national security laws were imposed on Hong Kong in late June.  He has been arrested before but the fear this time is he will face an unfair judicial process, with potential transfer to mainland China for trial. Hundreds of police also raided Lai’s Apply Daily tabloid newspaper.

  In June, he said the national security law would make the operation of a free press not just difficult but dangerous. “But we have no choice but to go on with it. We don’t think about the consequences, we just have to carry on what we are doing. If we let the fear frighten us we won’t be able to do anything.” Brave man.

  Born 8 December 1948 on mainland China he fled for Hong Kong aged 12, worked in sweatshops, learned English, became a self-made entrepreneur in clothing before turning to journalism, establishing Next media and founding Apple Daily in 1995.  He reportedly became politicised and a critic of Beijing after the 1989 Tiananmen Square massacre.

  He’s a Sun Mercury in Sagittarius square Saturn in hard-working Virgo. He has a go-getting and risk-taking Mars Jupiter in Capricorn opposition Uranus; and his Pluto is in a determined trine to his Sun Mercury and squares his Venus in Scorpio.

  When Tiananmen Square protests happened in 1989 and were brutally put down, tr Uranus was conjunct his Jupiter for a moment of enlightenment with his Solar Arc Jupiter opposition his Pluto for a surge of confidence. The tr Saturn Neptune in Capricorn were also moving to square his idealistic Neptune.

  There’s nothing much ahead which looks optimistic. He will be determinedly cheerful through 2021/22 though it’ll be an uphill struggle. Where he looks to be running into more serious difficulties is in 18 months to 2 years’ time with a couple of worrisome and risky/blocked Solar Arcs and acute frustrations in 2022/23 and failed-plans after that.

  His relationship chart with China 1949 is at a critical point now with the recent Eclipse conjunct the composite Uranus and aggravated in 2021/22/ It’s much the same with the China 1912 chart.

  The Apple Daily tabloid newspaper was launched 20 June 1995, with a journalistic Gemini Sun on the focal point of a strained Yod inconjunct Pluto sextile the highly-strung Uranus Neptune in Capricorn; with Saturn square Sun and trine Pluto; and a focal point angry and argumentative Mars in Virgo square a Venus Mercury in Gemini opposition Jupiter in Sagittarius – not short of guts and strong opinions, but it was always going to have a difficult furrow to plough. Tr Pluto conjunct the Neptune Uranus this year and on till 2024 will rock it on its foundations; with tr Neptune bring major uncertainty 2022 till 2025 with tr Neptune conjunct the Saturn and then square the Sun. So nothing much of cheer until 2026 if it still exists then.

     When you look at what happened to Tibet, there’s not much to give one hope of the Chinese becoming more civilized. Which makes his and the journalists’ stance all the more courageous.

Laurel Hubbard – transitioning into trouble

Laurel Hubbard’s acceptance as the first openly transgender athlete to compete at the Olympics has raised considerable controversy. The 43 year old took part in men’s competition before transitioning in 2013. Suppressing testosterone, required for Olympic competition does not remove the advantages of physical development from having undergone puberty as a male – bigger heart, bigger lungs, more muscle mass.

 She was born 9 February 1978 in Auckland, New Zealand and extraordinarily has no earth in her chart. Her Aquarius Sun Venus are in a wide Air Grand Trine to Jupiter and Pluto, formed into a Kite by Saturn Venus opposition Saturn in Leo. She also has a high-octane Mars in Cancer on the focal point of a Yod to Sun Venus sextile Neptune so was always destined to walk a singular path on life.

  She is looking frustrated and angry in the run up to the late July Olympics with tr Pluto opposition her focal point Mars from late June into August and repeating in December; and setbacks from her Mars/Saturn midpoint and Neptune undermining her Saturn/Pluto as well.

  A tricky year all round into early 2022.

Britney Spears – caged in a legal nightmare ++ mother ++ Sam Asghari

Britney Spears let fly with both barrels in an impassioned court testimony about the ‘abusive’ conservatorship that has governed her life for 13 years, giving her father control of her finances and her personal life. This is the first time she has been able to speak out publicly. She talked of wanting another child which had been denied since she had no control over her medical care, was forced to take medications she did not want and had been forced to perform against her will. She said it “made no sense” that the conservatorship deemed her able to perform at the highest level of the entertainment industry, but she was unable to make basic life decisions or spend the money she is earning.

   Even given the lunacies of the American legal system it does seem bizarre and inhumane in the extreme no matter how finely balanced her mental health is. Fuller details of her stressed relationship with her controlling father are below from an older post.

  She’s not looking too happy in the immediate future with an undermining tr Neptune opposition her Mars till early 2023 and emotional challenges from tr Pluto conjunct her Venus and square her Pluto till late this year. The Eclipses are also jarring her Sagittarius Sun, Mercury through this year casting a shadow over the start of 2022.

  Her relationship with her father, disruptive and resentful at the best of times, is on a long swampy slide with tr Neptune opposition the Uranus and Pluto this year and next, and then the Sun in 2023/24. It’s a one-sided, harsh relationship with hints of unfair treatment or downright cruelty.

 Jaimie Spears, 6 July 1952, is a rebellious and can-be-fanatical Sun Venus Uranus in Cancer square Neptune Saturn; with a pushy Jupiter in indulgent Taurus square Pluto. He’s in an up and down year with losses and setbacks from tr Pluto opposition his Jupiter/Saturn midpoint now and till late 2022; but he’ll have a lucky break from July onwards for a few weeks with good news. 2022/2023 look a good deal less cheerful with financial cutbacks and frustrations. He stands to lose a healthy income if he loses control.

  Her mother Lynne Spears, 4 May 1955, has been divorced, reconciled and separated from her father. She’s a downbeat and stubborn Taurus Sun opposition Saturn in Scorpio with her Saturn in an unyielding square to Pluto and trine a lucky Uranus Jupiter in Cancer. Her Sun falls in Britney’s 8th so it’s a deep connection and with her Sun Saturn falling across Britney’s 8/2nd houses there will be financial issues to the fore. And Lynne’s Uranus Jupiter falling in Britney’s 10th does suggest career success is also an issue. 

  The relationship chart between Lynne and Britney has an elusive and confused composite Sun square Neptune with a strained Sun inconjunct Uranus Pluto. And another unkind/unfair composite Mars square Saturn, reflecting the relationship with her father.

  Lynne’s relationship chart with Jaimie is head-in-the-clouds with a composite Sun Jupiter trine Neptune sitting side by side with a domineering, resentful, power-struggling composite Mars Pluto sextile Saturn Neptune – that wasn’t a healthy relationship.

Post November 11 2020

The #freeBritney campaign and pleas from Britney Spears herself have failed to sway a US judge into removing her father as conservator of her estate. It seems an odd decision since her lawyer said she was “afraid” of him, had no “viable working relationship” with him, had not spoken in a “long while” and that she would not perform so long as he remained in the role. Her mother who appeared at the hearing described the relationship between Britney and her father as ‘toxic’.

  Since her breakdown in 2007 she has not controlled her financial affairs or many of her career decisions under the court-enacted agreement. Her father and attorney have managed her assets and personal life – including being able to restrict her visitors and communicate with doctors about her treatment.

  The relationship chart with her father is strikingly difficult   – with a power-struggling and unstable composite Sun, Pluto, Uranus conjunction and a one-sided, ‘unfair-treatment’ composite Mars Saturn conjunction. It certainly wouldn’t foster a co-operative or amiable mood between them. It’s also tied together in a fated way with a composite Yod of Neptune sextile Uranus Pluto inconjunct Venus in Aries; with Venus opposition Mars Saturn. Relationship Yods tend to lash together individuals in a life-changing way which irrevocably affects the trajectory of both their lives. The Hard-edged, aggravating Mars Saturn may also square the composite Moon.  All in all not a great chemistry.

  His Sun, Venus, Uranus in Cancer fall in her career 10th, his Mars in ultra-determined Scorpio in her financial 2nd and his Jupiter in her business-finances 8th. And his Neptune is conjunct her Saturn which will induce suspicion.

  She looks, not surprisingly, very uptight now with Solar Arc Pluto conjunct her Mercury putting her under mental strain; plus discouraging tr Pluto square her Saturn/Pluto midpoint and then in a career-losses square to her Jupiter/Saturn through February and on and off till late 2022. She will start to cheer up from late April 2021 onwards in patches. And some of the family tensions and tug-of-war may diminish slightly as tr Saturn and Jupiter move out of her 4th into her performing/sociable 5th from this New Year. But it’ll be an emotionally intense and not always supportive year with tr Pluto conjunct her Venus and tr Neptune opposition her Mars.

Her present beau Sam Asghari, a personal trainer and former model, has been around since 2016. Born 23 March 1994 in Iran, he has an Aries Sun exactly on her Descendant and his Venus in Aries also in her 7th both of which are ideal and chime well with her Sagittarius Sun as does his Leo Moon. There will be some tricky moods to overcome since his highly strung Uranus Neptune in Capricorn is conjunct her Venus and square her Saturn Pluto. His Jupiter in Scorpio matches hers and falls in her 2nd house of money, so both will be extravagant.

  Their relationship chart has a marked mutually supportive composite Jupiter Pluto conjunction square the Sun and trine Venus as well as probably opposition the composite Moon. While they hold together with common aims all will be well, but if it ever slides into a oneupmanship contest it can get awkward with Jupiter Pluto which can be controlling.

 There will be some undermining moments through 2022 to 2024 with tr Neptune square the Mars/Saturn midpoint, then Saturn then Uranus.

John McAfee – living on the edge

John McAfee, the antivirus software pioneer has killed himself in a Barcelona jail after learning he would be extradited to the US on tax evasion and fraud charges.

  A troubled but inventive maverick, he had been beaten by his alcoholic military father, who shot himself when McAfee was in his teens. He himself developed a severe addiction problem, doing acid before work, snorting cocaine off his desk while drinking a bottle of whisky in a day. He got clean in his late thirties and started his field-leading anti-virus software company which he ultimately sold for $7.7billion in 2010.

   But his life despite being drink/drug free was hot mess, with three marriages, the final one to a former prostitute and he had a harem of lovers. He settled in Belize to avoid tax evasion charges but fled after being implicated in the murder of a neighbour.  He made no effort to hide that he didn’t pay US tax, saying repeatedly that he didn’t believe in the system.

  He was born 18 September 1945 12 noon (rectified time) Cinderford, England, and had a Virgo Sun square an experimental and rebellious Uranus in the 8th. His Uranus was also in a wide Air Grand Trine to an Aquarius Moon trine Neptune Jupiter in Libra, formed into a talented Kite by Moon opposition Pluto. Such a prominent Pluto would make him obsessive, stubborn to the nth degree with extraordinary staying power and considerable issues around sexuality and control. A bulldozer who disliked any authority figures. 

  He also had his Mars in Cancer conjunct the North Node square Jupiter Neptune and Chiron in Libra. Jupiter Neptune is often found in high-finance charts or where there are illusions, delusions and dreams beyond sense.

  If his birth time is reasonably accurate then Mars and Uranus both in his 8th would get his hackles up about paying taxes, never mind having a control-freak Pluto.

  This year he has had tr Saturn and tr Uranus both in hard aspect to his Moon and Pluto, the driving rod of his Grand Trine which would stoke up his wilfulness and refusal to be boxed in to unbearable levels.

  He had a strong businessman’s, get-it-together 5th harmonic; an experimental/genius/breakthrough 13H; a global superstar 22H; and a wheel of fortune, good and bad 10H.

An intriguing and impossible man.

Pic: Gage Skidmore  

Neptune Pluto – weaving a spell for good or ill

Charismatic leaders, appalling and otherwise, often have strong Neptune Pluto and/or 8th house energies.  Both Hitler and Charles De Gaulle had Neptune Pluto in Gemini in the 8th. Churchill had Neptune and Pluto, not conjunct in the 8th. Mao Tse Tung was another Neptune Pluto in Gemini conjunction – in his 5th; Stalin had Neptune and Pluto not conjunct in Taurus.

  Oliver Cromwell interestingly had Neptune trine Pluto Uranus trine his Midheaven. Otto von Bismarck who pulled Germany together was a Neptune square Pluto Mercury. Various super-ambitious 20th Century types also have Neptune and Pluto in aspect to their Suns which seems to heighten their drive for success – Angelina Jolie being one, along with Russell Brand, Marissa Mayer and several others.

  Neptune and Pluto has historically been connected with megalomaniac leaders – it oversaw Attila the Hun’s reign of terror in the 5th Century and Tamerlane the Great’s in the 14th century. The late 19th century clearly produced its own horror examples, of Hitler and Mao Tse Tung as well as Cecil Rhodes with his vision of a British colonial super-state in Africa. It’s not all bad being associated with erotic art; scientific advances in such intangibles as electricity, radio and telephone; religious events; and with scandals. 

  Neptune Pluto is a fey, mystical mix of energies, both wonderful and terrifying.  Neptune in its visionary aspect, mixing with Pluto’s power drive, creates a delusional though often devastatingly effective megalomania. In their negative roles both are chillingly inhumane. Neptune puts the dream above reality, writes off human sacrifice as a necessary cost to gain the end. Pluto as the arch controller reduces individual humans to objects, pawns on the chessboard; the puppetmaster reigns supreme.

  Neptune or Pluto in the 8th also often occurs with mega-superstars who appear to have an unconscious ability to project an aura that catches mass consciousness.

  The other recurring factor with leaders is their connections with their country’s 8th house which is where bonding at the deepest level, compulsions, obsessions and primal entanglements are formed.  It is a deep, dark, mysterious realm, often talked of as the house of transformation or sex, death and taxes but it can also encompass crime, bad karma, dirty tricks, revenge, jealousy, and control. What one astrologer called the shadow’s power.  

Hitler’s unsubtle but effective, highly enthusiastic Mars Venus in Taurus was conjunct Germany’s 8th house Pluto, within a degree, so he tapped into a dark, power-hungry energy in the country’s psyche. Churchill’s Pluto fell in the UK 8th with his Neptune/Pluto midpoint conjunct the UK’s 8th house Mars as he roused the UK’s fighting spirit. De Gaulle’s Saturn was in the France 8th and Stalin’s Saturn was in the Russia 1917 8th.