Liz Cheney – standing up for what she believes

Congresswoman Liz Cheney, the third most senior Republican in the House, is standing by her vote to impeach Trump. And she has further suggested he be criminally investigated for provoking violence during the 6 January Capitol invasion, specifically for one tweet suggesting an attack on Mike Pence. Last week she survived an attempt to remove … Read more

Mario Draghi – mission almost impossible

  Mario Draghi, Italy’s reluctant ‘last hope’ for a unity government to save Italy embroiled in its greatest crisis since the second world war, is edging towards getting preliminary support from two key parties. The announcement that he had been asked brought a reaction of euphoria since he is known as ‘super Mario’, saviour of … Read more

Gavin Newsom – California’s golden boy no more

Gavin Newsom, sworn in as the replacement for Jerry Brown as Democratic California Governor in 2019 is in trouble. There is increasing pressure for a recall election as he faces a storm of bad news, mainly over his handling of the pandemic, but also about high taxes, homelessness, wildfires and summer blackouts. It’s not clear … Read more

Toyah & Robert – a relationship to marvel

Toyah Wilcox, venerable punk pop star, actress and all-round entertainer, has been one of the pandemic hits with her wild and wayout YouTube Sunday Lockdown Lunch videos with her husband Fripp, musician and founder of the rock band King Crimson – 4.3 million views.   They’ve been together extraordinarily for 35 years given that both … Read more

Jordan Peterson – mind succumbs to matter

Jordan Peterson, the controversial Canadian psychology professor who became a love-hate figure for his anti-political correctness views, condemnation of academic “safe spaces” and his refusal to use transgender preferred pronouns, has a new book coming soon. At one point he was described as an “icon of white supremacy and hate speech.”    In a publicity … Read more

Robinhood – playing with fire

Pious sentiments about ‘democratising finance’ and sticking it to the rich guys may come badly unstuck for small chat-room investors who sent share prices soaring recently for a moribund Gameshop and lacklustre AMC theatre group. In the process they cost short-sellers a small fortune, before moving on to send the price of silver soaring to … Read more

Myanmar & Aung San Suu Kyi – a dream that died

Myanmar has returned to its dark days of military oppression with the army seizing power, claiming that recent elections giving an 83% victory to Aung San Suu Kyi’s party and trouncing their own party were fraudulent. They have installed their commander-in-chief as leader and detained senior politicians. The country was ruled by the military from … Read more

Schumer, Pelosi, McConnell – snakes and ladders ++ McCarthy

New brooms in Washington will bring changes though with only a slender majority in the Senate perhaps not as many as the progressives would like.   Chuck Schumer, 23 November 1950 11 am (from memory) New York, is the Senate Majority leader. He’s a charming Sun Venus in Sagittarius with a few obstacles and disappointments … Read more