Sir Frank William, who has just died, rose above adversity to make an extraordinary success of his Formula 1 racing team. Early on in his career after he ran out of money, he was making business calls from a public telephone box. And he came back after a catastrophic car crash in the 1980s which left paralysed and in a wheelchair, needing constant carers for the rest of his life. None of which stopped him from winning innumerable championships with his team and 114 Grand Prix victories.
He was born 16 April 1942 in South Shields, England (no birth time) and was an irrepressible Sun Mercury in Aries, which sign has the enviable ability to bounce back after setbacks to try, try, try again. His Sun Mercury were sextile an exuberant and adventurous Mars Jupiter in Gemini which would keep him upbeat as well. He did have three Earth planets, maybe four with the Moon in Taurus, which would give him an essential grounding for the technics of the car world.
His 16th Harmonic is marked – supremely confident, keen on thrills and excitement with Mars and the Sun linking to Jupiter Pluto. The 16H is one of extreme endurance – in Vendla’s numerology description “ warning against catastrophes, disappointments, accidents, disasters. Life as you know it might change completely. Sometimes this is self-inflicted, sometimes it is not.” And, of course, he picked a sport where deaths are not unknown including Ayrton Senna who was racing for the Williams Team when he was killed.
When the car crash happened in March 1986 as he misjudged a bend on a road, his Solar Arc Jupiter/Mars was conjunct his Pluto and a transiting Mars Uranus in Sagittarius was veering towards the opposition to his Mars.
I might hazard a guess at a 7 am birth time which would put racy Mars in the 3rd and tr Neptune at his Midheaven when he crashed.
Hi Marjorie, I am so pleased you were able to do a piece about the incredible Frank Williams. He led an extraordinary life, being ultra successful but astonishingly brave in carrying on after his life changing accident. I don’t know how he did it when so many of us would have crumbled in such circumstances. Your astrological profile of Sir Frank seems very accurate in terms of who is was.